chapter 5

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Levi stared at the apple in his hands, clenching his jaw. It looked so...


And shiny.

Like Rudolph's nose.

His lips quirked up at the sound of the song in his mind, hearing the words.

Since when did he feel so joyous?

A frown now placed on his mouth, his eyes scanned the room, now realising his emotion wasn't his.

A group of teens were sat on the table across from him, laughing their heads off. He scoffed, upset. Why couldn't he ever feel something on his own?

Was it always going to be like this?

Always suffering at the hands of others even when they didn't realise it.

Half the time, or a majority of it, it physically pained him to feel what they did. Like a racket repeatedly banging into his skull and pulling at his eyes.

Now a tinge of anger settled into his mind, his gaze flickered across the room again.

Stiles sat across from another boy, someone he'd seen in once of his classes... Maths.

He always felt like guilt. Loneliness. And yet still positivity.

Small but still there.

Boyd was it?

Yeah that sounds about right.

The boy with a buzz cut reluctantly handed over some money, almost suspiciously before the other subtlety passed him something.

What was it?



Shoving his hands in his pockets, Stiles stood and walked over to another table where Scott McCall sat before starting a conversation with the tanned boy.


He tried to get a sense of what he felt, maybe to give him an idea of what he had just done with Boyd over there but before he could, a loud overwhelming feeling of confidence crashed into him.

The brunette looked around, seeing every teen turn his way.

Were they looking at him?

Any emotion that may have been helpful to see what they were looking at was quickly covered up by the new ego.

Slowly, he turned to face behind him, eyes immediately widening at the sight.

Blond curled hair, powerful blue eyes painted with black on the outline, and a red smirk.


She stalked forward, heels clacking against the floor.

Her stare set on one thing.

Scott's table.

Flicking his gaze between the two, he noticed the duo were now joined by Allison and Lydia, who was glaring at the new look of the blond.

He heard the clicks get closer, nearly getting lightheaded as the emotions got more and more heavier. He squeezed the apple in his hands until it was no longer there.

Wait what?

Levi squinted slightly, a pout placed on his lips.

His eyes opened wide as he saw Erica standing by him, her smirk even wider than his gaze if even possible.

She took a bite out of his apple as she kept her eyes on his, looking him up and down before grinning seductively and briefly glancing to Scott and Stiles.

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