chapter 15

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Levi stared worriedly at the sleek black car in front of him, two blonds sat in the driver and passenger seats.

He raised a judging eyebrow.

"When did you learn to drive again?"

He could feel the amusement radiating off of them as well as the foreboding deceit.

The boy could only pray it was about their driver's license and not what they were about to do to him.

"Two years ago. Hop in."

Biting his lip, his eyes scanned over the car again.

"Where'd you get the car from?"

"Derek lent it to us. Are you gonna get in or what?"

Isaac leaned back in his seat, cracking his knuckles with a knowing smirk. Levi didn't like his cockiness all too much. He used it to hide his old life.

"Where are you taking me? Cause if you guys are trying to kill me or something, I'm not really in the mood."

The Lahey boy rolled his eyes and climbed out of the car, rather gracefully if you'd asked Levi and Erica, but don't, because they're biased to his looks.

Without warning, the dirty blond grabbed his supposed friend by the forearm, opened the back door and shoved him in.

Levi didn't even have time to sit up and think before the door was slammed and a clicking sound was heard.

He looked up, seeing Erica had locked it as Isaac got back in.

"A- why the fuck does Derek have child locks in his car? B- what the fuck! I was gonna get in."

"We don't have time for your stalking. Just accept the favour we're so kindly giving you and shut up."

He did shut up for the entire journey. Instead of speaking, or asking more questions that wouldn't get answered truthfully, he opted for watching out the window.

Every turn they took, he questioned internally whether this was going to be his last day alive.

Sure, he wanted to find out what the hell was happening and why it was happening to him specifically.

But was it worth being kidnapped and dragged out to the middle of nowhere?


Turned out, the middle of nowhere, was an abandoned subway tunnel.

With graffiti and an empty train carriage.

He was definitely getting brutally mauled at the end of this.

Either that or Derek has awful taste in homes.

Boyd, an aura of 'what the fuck are you doing' surrounding him, stepped out of the carriage, a confused stare in his eyes.

"Where the hell have you guys been? Derek was pissed."

Levi rolled his eyes internally. Of course they lied about that too.

Fucking werewolves.

Isaac smirked and wrapped an arm around the shorter boy, gesturing to him with his head as Boyd raised a judging brow.

"Our friend here wanted to talk to our boss. We're just doing him a favour."

The pair glared at each other for a moment and Levi felt a small sense of loneliness from the boy in front.

He'd got the bite to be a part of something. And now the people who were supposed to be his friends were leaving him out to sneak around with some other boy.

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