chapter 21

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The party had soon filled up, or maybe soon after Scott had used his co captain powers to get people there.

Stiles had been leaning against the wall, drinking his fourth cup of lunch as his honey gaze was set on the boy walking around with a tray of glasses, like a lost little puppy.

He hadn't had any himself yet, so it seemed he was the only one not drunk to the very brim of their body.

Scott had started drinking a few minutes ago, Jackson appeared out of nowhere, which was honestly a mood killer, Allison had disappeared with Matt somewhere.

And here he was...

Left alone.

While he watched the boy who'd taken up his mind for the last few weeks.

His swaying mind didn't really notice how much time had past. Not aware that Levi had been sparing small, questioning looks his way once he saw the Stilinski stare focused completely on him.

Stiles sighed deeply, letting his body fully relax into the wall as his head lolled to the side and he saw-

He saw his dad?

Levi felt a change in the air about an hour into the party.

It wasn't like it suddenly got hot or anything, but rather... A feeling.

He kept passing around the punch, not knowing that it was the cause of everyone's strange behaviour.

Some girls were fighting in the corner, a pair of boys were making out when they had perfectly nice girlfriends beside them watching in utter confusion.

It was absolute chaos by the second hour.

His head was all fuzzy by then, the feelings wafting away from everyone and into one person.


The only thing that made him keep going was the thought that this is what Lydia would want. She wanted her party to be the most memorable.

And if that meant he had to feel a little drunk or tipsy for a few more hours until the party came to an end, he could live with that.

For her.

It was in the next half an hour that he saw Stiles by himself.

Whatever emotions he was feeling, Levi couldn't tell.

Not with the thousands of others filling his head.

The only thing that actually caught his attention was when the honey eyed teen was looking at an empty space, tears filling his eyes, and he staggered back as if something was thrown at him.

Frowning, the Powis boy set down the tray of drinks, barely taking note of the group behind him running at them like dehydrated fish to water.

He made his way over to Stiles, his body swaying side to side as he did.

"Hey, yo-you okay?"

The Stilinski snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked to face the teen in front of him, a bright, goofy grin spreading on his face.

"Levi! I missed you!"

In an instant, the shorter of the two felt arms wrap around his body, and his head was brought into a very hard chest.

His eyes widened at not only the warm, endearing feeling he felt in his own heart, but also the utter feeling of despair he felt coming from the taller.

"Uh yeah. Yeah. I missed you too."

There was a quiet snicker from above before he felt himself being dragged somewhere he couldn't see.

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