chapter 17

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Sighing softly, Levi walked into the library where the rest of the 'troublemakers' had just arrived. He looked around, never actually gone in there before. It looked nice, if he was honest. No wonder Mr Crawford and Mrs Ford kept begging him to go in there once in a while.

He wouldn't go there ever again.

Not willingly at least.

But still.

Mr Harris, one of their science teachers, he had no idea which one it was, all the lessons were a blur of boredom to him -both his and everyone else's- was directing everyone to their tables for the next hour and a half.

He gestured for half the group to go on one, and the other half to go to the other.

Unfortunately, Jackson just had to mess it up

"Oh uh, we can't have detention together. I have a restraining order against them."

The teacher, both bored and interested in torturing some kids, rolled his eyes.

"All of these tools?"

Stiles scoffed before gesturing to himself and Scott, "no, just us tools."

Levi snickered under his breath, hiding it as he saw Allison smirking at him from her seat next to Matt.

Mr Harris nodded. "Fine. You two over there." He pointed to the other table, and then shooed Jackson to the one with the other students, aka Allison, Erica and Matt. Levi opened his mouth to speak before the teacher turned to him with narrowed eyes. "What are you even doing here?"

The boy felt everyone's stare on him, some questioning and others (the ones who made him do it in the first place) waiting to see what he said.

"Um, Coach gave me detention."

"Why aren't you with him?"

Levi pursed his lips, already feeling the radiating irritation from the man.

"He didn't tell me where else to go..."

Mr Harris rolled his eyes once more.

"Why don't you go to Mrs Ford's office? I've heard she knows how to deal with you."

Well this wasn't the plan.

The short brunette glanced around the room, sending a 'help me' look to Stiles only to be given a wide eyed blank response.

He could feel amusement from somewhere.

Intrigue from a different place.

And that sense of underlying fear submerged by every other emotion in the world.

He fucking hated this stupid power.

With a huff, the boy walked out.

Does he actually go to her office or just wait outside? He didn't think this far.

Lucky for him, he didn't need to make a decision.

For the woman and man duo that seemed to be everywhere that he needed them to be were walking down the hall.

He could feel them notice him, even without looking at their faces.

They were definitely shocked.

"Levi? What are you doing here? School finished 20 minutes ago."

Really? Feels longer.

"Got detention."

Steven's face dropped slightly.

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