chapter 3

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Levi sighed quietly to himself as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. He felt the small hole in the right one with his index finger, the fabric of his joggers meeting it almost immediately.

As unaware students brushed past him, either in their own world or gossiping with their friends, the small teen held his breath anxiously, willing for their emotions to go away.

He couldn't shake the conversation with the two teachers less than fifteen minutes ago.

How hadn't he thought of it? Wasn't it obvious? Was it even something plausible? Or was it just because of his... Circumstances.

Frowning, the boy headed toward his locker, unaware of the pair of eyes trailing after his fading figure.

"Want to tell us why you left again?"

Gnawing at his bottom lip, Levi barely acknowledged the pair.

Why couldn't anything go his way for once?

"Mr Graham seemed very... certain of himself. Causing trouble again? Doesn't really bode well for the future does it, Mr Powis? We really don't want to have to get the principal involved here but yo-"

"I didn't leave."

Mrs Ford arched a brow slowly, "oh really? Than care to explain why you're here now?"

The small brunette kept his gaze on the floor, eyeing the worn down carpet.

"He kicked me out."


"Cause he hates me."

Mr Crawford, or rather Steven, chuckled under his breath, covering it up with a deep cough.

Not that it stopped the amusement flowing into Levi's body. It was like an aura around the teacher.

"I don't think that's true-"

"He does. I didn't even say anything." Stop talking. Stop. They'll call your dad. "The boy next to me kept talking my ear off and then he told me to get out." He didn't stop. He couldn't. It felt good to get it out of his chest.

Every single emotion, his or another student's, teacher's or stranger's grabbing at his chest every second.

The least he could do was let out an ounce of frustration.

"And yesterday... In English? What happened then?"

Mrs Ford, or Ellen, smiled to herself, feeling progress being made. So she kept pushing.

He slouched in his seat, a dismayed look on his face.

"I can't read."

They both frowned at each other, brows furrowed and foreheads creased.

"You can't read?"

Levi nodded once, forcing himself to keep going.

"Yeah... Like all the words and the letters- they just keep getting mixed up. Like, floating around the page and that."

Did that make sense?

Probably not.

He felt a slight wave of realisation. Then sympathy and he looked up to see the wash of light blue flowing out of Steven.

"Have you ever been diagnosed with dyslexia, Levi?"


The boy shook his head.

Inside My Head (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now