chapter 9

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They're not real.

I mean, empaths are one thing but werewolves?

Fuck no.

Levi rushed through the halls, head down and eyes darting everywhere but the kids walking past him.

After the whole debacle with Stiles, they all switched two more times. At the end, Mr Harris told them they could eat it. Scott and Stiles yelled at Lydia, she ignored them and ate it anyway.

Nothing happened.

A big tense situation dwindled down to...


He shook his head.


What the fuck?

How could they be real?

They can't.

And what's with this Derek dude?

It seemed everyone was connected through just one man.


That man in his house.

The one he bumped into on the pavement.

Was that Derek?

Oh god.

Levi turned the corner, his shoulder lightly brushing past the wall as he did.

Two more steps down the hall and he felt a hand wrap around his arm, dragging him over into an empty classroom.

Well, empty other than those four people he seemed to see everywhere:

Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Stiles Stilinski and

Jackson Whittemore?

What was he doing there?

How did he know all these people?

And where the hell is Scott?

"Hey! Wanna go study with us?" He looked at Stiles who was basically shaking from the amount of Adderall he took a few minutes ago.

His movements were jerky as hell, like he was about to burst any second.


Jackson hid a smirk behind his hand, Lydia looking between the four in front of her with a confused expression.

"What the hell is going on? Why do we need him to study?"

If Levi wasn't so overwhelmed by nearly every emotion in the room and his own, he would've fist bumped her.

After a hour of really really weird conversations in Chemistry, and a damn bomb drop at the end of it about werewolves, Stiles was asking to go on a little study date with him and his friends?

"Lydia, will you just do as we say for once in your life. Levi, I swear I'll explain everything to you if you just come with us, okay?"

The smaller brunette glanced between them all, spotting Allison chewing on her fingernail, Jackson hiding his annoyance through a cocky smirk and Lydia glaring at everyone else due to her frustration.

He had to get home.

His dad would be mad.

"No. Sorry. Really busy."

He turned to face the door, already reaching out when he was pulled back again.

His green eyes met with blue eyes and blond hair.

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