chapter 22

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"Levi? You there? Listen-"

"Stiles?" Levi held the phone close to his ear, his heart pounding frantically. After the party, once everyone had run away, Scott and Stiles went to go convince his dad that they'd found the killer. Or the person who controlled the killer, but it's not important. They'd been reluctant to leave the boy by himself, but he knew he needed to find Lydia. "She's not here. Like, at all. And her parents are coming home soon. What do I do?"

Stiles was silent for a minute.

The Powis teen frowned, his pacing pausing for a moment as he waited for a response.

"Uh, listen Levi, my dad needs another witness, okay? We need you to come down to the station, he's gonna ask you a few questions."

Stopping completely, the brunette listened intently to the heavy, quick breaths on the other line.

God he wished he could pick up on emotions over the phone.

"Are you okay? You sound off. And what about Lydia? She could be in trouble I don't-"

"Levi! Just come to the station, okay?"

Brows furrowed, the boy nodded to himself. 

"Sure, whatever. I'll be there in a few."

With that the line went dead.

Levi sighed. 

Something was definitely going on.

But what?

Matt pushed Stiles through the door, using his gun as he kept his smug smirk on the entire time. He was so close to getting what he wanted.

Before he was going to be forced to turn around, the Stilinski teen looked at with wide eyes, mouthing one word- 'Levi'.

Luckily, it seemed to get into the werewolves head what had happened.

After they all handed their phones in, Stiles was in a room with his father, clicking the handcuffs together.


With an irritated but fearful look, the honey-eyed boy turned to his dad. 

"Do what he says son."

Reluctantly, he did, and both boys were then forced out of the room and into the hallway, where a pile of dead deputies lay, covered in blood.

Scott's mouth dropped open in shock and disgust.

"What, are you gonna kill everyone in here?" Matt tilted his head, as if confused about the questions.

"No, that's what Jackson's for... I just think about killing them, and he does it."

He then led them to the room where they had started, and all the files were deleted, and the papers were shredded.

They'd tried to get out of it. Before Melissa or Levi arrived, but when they heard a door open and a quiet "oh shit," they knew it was over.

"If you don't move, now, I'm gonna kill Stiles first, and then your mom." It was noticed how he never said a word about Levi, which oddly struck more fear into the boys' hearts than if he had. They slowly walked toward the door to the office, freezing before opening it. This didn't seem to sit well with Matt.

"Open it."

Scott tried one last time, though he knew it would be futile.


"Open. The. Door."

So he did.

Scott and Stiles waited to see the terrified face of Melissa McCall or Levi Powis, but instead were met with the large, stoic body of Derek Hale.

The tanned boy let out a huge sigh, "Oh, thank God." 

Until it was drawn back in when Derek's body dropped to the floor, and the Kanima was revealed with a tight grip around the short figure of Levi, who awkwardly smiled back at the trio of teenagers, suddenly realising the direness of this whole thing.

Once Derek had been rolled over, and Levi had been placed right next to his friends, he had actually calmed down.

Which didn't last long, of course, as the utter fear seeping off the boys on each side of him reached his own mind before he could say-

whatever it is he was going to say.

"This is the one controlling him? This kid?"

Matt patronisingly knelt down to face the alpha, grinning as he brought the gun sarcastically to his chin."Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad Werewolf." Upon hearing the slightly shocked gasps from the trio to his right, he turned to face them. "Oh, yeah! That's-that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, Hunters, Kanimas, empaths... It's like a fricking Halloween party every full moon." Then he frowned and looked over to the honey-eyed boy. "Except for you, Stiles. What do you turn into?"

Filled with complete fear and rage, it didn't take long for the sarcasm to come out. 
It's like he couldn't control it or something.

"Abominable Snowman. But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know? Seasonal."

Levi felt laughter escape him before he even realised what he was doing.

Annoyed, Matt jerked his head toward the taller pale boy, and it was only a matter of seconds before Stiles was laid on top of Derek, unable to move.


A claw was suddenly put in front of Scott's face, stopping him from moving.

The McCall glanced briefly over to the Powis, unsure what to do."You bitch..."

"Get him off me."

Chuckling, the blue-eyed boy knelt down again, but made sure not to get too close."Oh, I don't know, Derek- I think you two make a pretty good pair!" He backed up again, his smug grin yet to leave his face. "It must kind of suck, though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless."

The alpha growled,  "still got some teeth. Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I am."

Followed by a very quiet, very muffled, "yeah, bitch!"

Rolling his eyes, Matt stood to his full height and turned to the two remaining boys, but his gaze was only on one.

"Let's get this over with shall we? Took me ages to find what I needed. Did you know there's barely anything about empaths on the internet nowadays? Had to go to this weird old lady. She owns this shop dow- Actually, it doesn't matter."

Scott heard the gulp from beside him, and he looked down to see Levi watching the Daehler boy very carefully. 

Levi could feel the amusement from a mile away... the excitement... the glee.

And he couldn't understand why until he saw Matt take out a vial from his pocket.
Filled with green liquid.

In his other hand, he held a syringe.

He barely heard Scott's question, as his heart started pounding in his head.

"What is that? What are you gonna do to him?"

The beta took a moment to glance down at Derek, seeing how oddly silent he was, and all he saw was complete rage.


He didn't get a chance to think about it, as next to him, he saw a green scaled arm reach out and grab Levi's chest, another one around the top of his head, tilting it away so his neck was exposed completely.

Scott stepped forward instantly, only stopping when Matt held the gun toward Stiles.

"Relax Scott, it's not going to hurt him. I think. Step back."

It took a slight clench of the trigger for him to follow the order.

Levi was struggling against the Kanima's hold, desperate to get out of it. But as Matt got closer, he realised his efforts were going to be for nothing.

"Hold still..."

He really wanted to get out. He did.

Derek told him what it was.

Gerard threatened him with it.

But the thought of having that needle cut out his throat if he kept moving. Or if Matt got too annoyed by his attempts and decided he'd kill Stiles, or Scott, or even Derek.
He froze, and felt his heart racing as the cold metal of the needle touch his skin.

And then it was pushed in.

And so was the green liquid that raced to his veins the moment it entered.

Scott noticed the lack of fight in him first.

Then the calm breathing.

Then the unclenching of the fists he'd rolled into balls earlier.

Then, as Levi's eyes opened, he noticed the pure green like emeralds in sunlight, staring back at him.

Not him.


And then he heard the car pull up.

His mom's car. 

nearly 20k this is so cool
i love levi so much. hate matt tho <3
the aftermath of this episode literally will kill me when i write it. but it must be done. don't hate my baby, please. its not his fault i swear

 hope you enjoyed!!!

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