Chapter 1: ...

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TW:this chapter contains 4bus3, if you're not comfortable with this content, please go away :3
"Ahh-! Finally finished for today... now I'll just upload it and I'll go get a snack~"

The man who was seated at the computer exclaimed as he yawned, the man had messy Black hair, his tired green eyes had dark circles under them and his face was dotted with freckles.

"Hm, I should probably get up and stretch a bit, my bones feel like they're gonna collapse.."

Said the man as he stood up from the desk and his posture slouched

The only light source in the dim and messy room was his computer, which showed that something was uploading in it

The room had various cup noodles and energy drink cans littered around the floor and even the bed was piled with dirty clothes, of course you couldn't see it withought the lights, it's barely noticeable

The man, who we'll call Nomo, a novelist, stretched his arms out and above his head


'hm? Did I hit some-'

Before he could turn around to check what he had hit, he fell to the ground unconscious from the sudden impact to his head.

Turns out he had hit a book on the edge of the shelf behind him while stretching, resulting in it falling onto his head,

though, that shouldn't have been enough to kill him? Hm, something's wr0ng w1th thi$ $cr1pt..

45 72 72 6f 72.......

Ah, there we go, our protagonist is waking up

As his eyes fluttered open, his hand moved to rub the back of his head as he slowly sat up, oddly it didn't hurt, taking in his surroundings, in front of him stood a... surprised woman..?

His eyes widened as he looked around the room, the woman in a maid dress ran off before he could call out to her, before she left, she said she was going to find some kind of head of the family..


He froze and checked all around his body as he realized that his one rough and scratchy voice now reduced to that of a young lad

A sudden nauseous feeling along with dizziness struck him as memories flowed into his head like a gushing river in a storm

As the memories ended, he felt absolutely furious!

Not only had he reincarnated into his own novel, but he had reincarnated into the villain he made, meaning he'll have to live that helish life once more as he had profusely trauma dumped the villain with his own experiences

After a while he calmed down and moved his field of vision towards the little girl and doctor who came rushing into the room along with a few maids....

'Ah.. that helish life.. I'll have to experience it all over again...'

He felt devastated as his eyes drifted to the girl who was reading him a story, Miko, the female lead

She had light pink hair and pearl like eyes, she looks real cute now, and will eventually grow to be a true goddess in every man's heart

Days past and Aki had grown accustomed to his body, and could now hop up and down his bed whenever he pleased but would still act weak whenever his family came and visited him

The Czeshz's[seshz] Family

A family where the best sorcerers, spell casters, and magicians are born

Atleast to the eyes of outsiders..

What they don't know is that Czeshz's are abused over and over again throughout their childhood, imprinting the consequence of what's happen if they don't manage to cast a spell when ordered to, often resulting in the death of children who haven't even step foot outside

Normally, they wouldn't have a problem in covering it up since they won't introduce them to socials early in their years

If they do accidentally 'hit a little too hard' after introducing a kid out into the socials, they'll cover it up with money, fake news, anything so that people won't be suspicious

Aki's happy days where cut short as the physician came again to give him a check up

Naturally, his father called him to meet

In a small room with dim lighting from the seems of the slightly transparent curtains, his father stood on the side as Aki stood in the middle

He couldn't help but tremble from the pressure inflicted from his father with only just a glance, as his father requested, or rather demanded him to cast a spell, he tried to steady his breathing, searching in his memories for that spell

Casting the spell, he begged for it the cast, over and over again but he felt nothing, nothing was casted and he could feel his father's disappointed gaze as he neared him, grabbing ahold of his wrist, he dragged Aki over the cold floor as he cried and begged for his father to let him off the hook, swearing that he'll succeed this time

"Father- please-! No! I- I promise I'll do better! Please, give me another chance! No! Please! Don't bring me there! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!-"

His pleading was cut off as he was heavily thrown onto the ground,

"There is no next time in a duel. The consequence you'll face for being unable to cast a spell in a duel is death. Consider this a light consequence, you might die, you might not, if you don't cast a healing spell, you'll most definitely die."

His father said as he picked up an electrified whip from one of the many torture devices hung on the wall, all sorts of whip hung there, some that inflict burns, some poison, some that multiplies the pain dealed

As one blow came after another, Aki sobbed quietly as he tried to muster up the strength to cast a healing spell, though his tries were in vein as electricity flowed throughout his body, over and over again, they were like deep thorns, digging into his skin everytime they past through

After half an hour, he felt it stop and a loud bang was heard, it seems like his father has left the room

As tears trickled down his face, he mustered up his remaining strength to cast a healing spell, as a warm stream flowed through his body, he laughed at himself

"Hah, life is so unfair, I couldn't cast a spell earlier, but I can now, how ironic, if only I had this kind of powers back then, maybe I wouldn't have need to try so hard to cover my wounds.."

He whispered to himself as his eyelids felt heavier by the second

'The fatigue must be catching up.. falling asleep after a beating.. is it also imprinted into this body..?'

He muttered as he fell asleep against the dark basement wall...

A/N: YIPPEE ANGST ON THE FIRST CHAPTER :D Oooo 1153 words~ how nice~ ▪︎▪︎

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