Chapter 7: Let us play...

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"Nomi, we have good- news..?"

Aki looked around as he closed the door to the backyard, the children were no where in sight, only silence remained

"Where is everyone!?"

Aki looked around in a panic


A few snickers were heard

Aki sighed and began to chant a spell

"Woah! Hey! No fair!!"

"Look look! I can fly!!"

The children all giggled and played around as a wind spell was cast on them, after a while, Aki walked towards Nomi and said to her

"Good news, they managed to fit an extra mattress in, are you okay with that?"

"Mhm! Anything to not see that Kio guy!"

Nomi nodded her head rapidly as she exclaimed happily


Days went by fast and it's already been a week, it was almost time for Aki's departure, he had quite the time trying to persuade Nomi to go home, they had fun playing with the children and help clean up the place

Aki had baked delicious goods such as bread, cakes and lots of other things for the kids to share

He promised that he'll visit whenever he had the time as the children sent them off unwillingly

Upon arriving back home, he was quite shocked to find his father waiting for him when one of the maids hurriedly found for Aki, saying that the Duke seemed to have a serious expression

He hurriedly changed into some neat attire and headed to the study to greet his father

"I'm glad you're back father, by why the sudden meeting? I'm sure you must be tired from the long trip"

He said, voice slightly trembling just by being in the presence of his father


The Duke said firmly, taking a sip of coffee placed on his table before picking up a pen, seemingly to be dealing with paperwork

"Yes father?"

Aki dared not raise his head, he could already feel the duke's cold gaze, he wondered what he would say, would it be a lecture? But for what? What is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it-

"Raise your head."

His train of thoughts were interrupted by the Duke, finally letting him raise his head

Upon doing so, his gaze immediately fell on the envelope that wasn't previously there, it had a fancy wax seal on it, but it was already torn off, proving that it's been read

He picked the envelope up with care, and upon closer inspection, it was from the Academy, to be precise, the academy where he would start to learn black magic whilst the protagonist, spells to defeat him

He took the letter out from the envelope within, carefully reading

His expression changed quite a few times, from serious, to surprised, to calm again

"Aki, I have already found the most suitable candidate to escort you while you are having your studies, he is everything you requested and I will not accept any more refusals from you"

The Duke said after clearing his throat, brows furrowing as he expected a yes from his son

Hearing this Aki shuddered, his lips trembled as he tried to slip a word through his lips

"Y-yes father. I am grateful for your patience and will not be having you wait any longer for my departure"

He managed to say after a while, he could feel his palm sweating, his pupils dilating as he tried to avert his gaze from his father's

He took a deep breath, calming himself internally before opening his mouth to speak again

"Might I ask who this person is father?"

Aki questioned, hoping he wouldn't offend his father in any way


His father huffed before handing him a stack of documents, clearing his throat before taking another sip of his coffee, his hand starting to write with the feather ink pen eith high speed as he resumed work

Aki stood still, carefully taking the stack of papers, but before he started to read, his father spoke


Something seemed to press in Aki's head, he seemed to say something before he felt his legs trembling as they hurriedly brought him out of there, starting to sweat profusely as his breathing grew heavy, before he knew it, he was already in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, panting....

Huff... huff...

After he calmed his breathing, he looked towards the wrinkled paper and attempted to smooth it out

Reading through the information, he was quite suprised to find the person to be Kuno Cemys Davocet, he continued to read through the information, he was a year older than him, around the same height and is experienced in magic, the candidate that Aki had requested indirectly many times to his father

In the story, Kuno was always loyal to Aki acting as a lap dog that would follow every word, he was the character that Nomo[Aki/author] liked the most when he was writing the story

He was quite excited to meet him now, as he wanted to see his favorite character in front of him, living, right in front of his eyes, so much so that he already starting packing his clothes for the departure, the envelope states that the Academy will send a carriage to pick the students up a day or two before the opening ceremony of the school, which would be two to three days later, depending on the distance of where he lived

Back at the study, his father placed down his feathered ink pen, seeming to be distracted by something, rubbing his temples, his memory resurfaced, the young boy who was always afraid of him, seemed to only grow up on the outside, from his reactions just now, it seemed to him that Aki still isn't able to escape his control, which was good in a sense for him

Though, he thought that his son would reject him again, arrogantly saying that he's already learnt all the powerful spells and has decent swordsmanship, and that he didn't want a companion when he was ultimately forced to go to the academy, it was quite the suprise when he heard him agree on it,

Czeshz... this family name holds every single family to the head, none would dare to defy, none dared talk back, for they are all afraid of the punishment they'll recieve, a lesson implanted into then from a young age, everyone is taught to implement fear into one's body and mind to keep them from rebelling, and they'll use this trick when they receive the title of head, to insure their young not overpower them, as a powerful one will descend in the family every now and then... such as that child..

Look~ aren't you curious as to what they're talking about?"

I am uninterested in your shenanigans leave me alone"

So boring. Always on that script, what's so good to insure everything goes according to the script anyways, not like a little mess up can just, change the whole world or something

It can, but I'll agree to your invitation just this once, I need to tie you on a leash when you go out or else you'd just reek havoc in the story

Hmph, I can look after myself, I'm not some dog you know.....

/*[S Y S T E M E R R O R]*/

A/N: my whole body feels so sore help, I just played some badminton how did it become like this ; ;

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