Chapter 5: The light is slowly being taken

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Aki watched as Miko ran, leaving him in the place they once played and laughed, he sighed deeply, knowing no matter what he does, Miko will never come back

His gaze turned to the the sky, watching the clouds go by as he sat down on the grassy fields

He wanted to give Miko her freedom, but his heart, the remnants of Aki's soul to be exact kept tugging at him, he wanted so badly to steal her back, keep her with him, yet deep down he knew that Miko would never be happy if he did so

Yet the story's string pulled him like a lifeless puppet, everywhere he went he would subconsciously head towards Miko, it seemed like he was stalking her, troubling her every single time he saw her, eventually earning him the title of the greedy man

He felt so guilty, so useless, so tired, he didn't want to be pulled around by the story's string anymore, he started avoid going out to minimize the chance he would see Miko, the story wasn't able to do anything this way

He shifted his attention to the family's heirloom, the position to be the next inheritor, he prioritized his position and what he needed to uphold his status

His father on the other hand saw this as an opportunity to abandon his work and go on a holiday with his wife, leaving Aki to study and tidy the pile of work and social interactions left by his father, it was much much more than that of what he could handle, yet he was grateful as he felt the burden of Aki's soul slowly becoming lighter the more he didn't see Miko

"Young Master, the yearly donation fee from the Czeshz family to the orphanage is expected to be delivered by the day after tomorrow, but we couldn't find anyone who was free nor willing to go, I'm afraid you'll have to go young master.. I'm terribly sorry, you must not be willing to go to that filthy place dull of kids.."

The butler said pitifully, yet startled slightly when he met with Aki's sparkling, excited eyes, dark circle engulfed them like he hadn't slept for a year

Aki saw this opportunity to take a break from his endless work, joyfully agreeing to head over to the orphanage

He quickly wrote a letter, stating his arrival two days later and handed it to the butler before continuing his workload at the speed of light, hoping to atleast complete half of it by the tomorrow

Ahh, look at him, so pitiful, maybe we should let him rest more don't you think?

That.. well, it's slightly complicated... aren't planning anything are you..?

I'm sorry but its already in the script, you know that we can't change it even if we wanted to, we can only butt in now and then


Two voices circled around in the galaxy

The day before, he had packed up all his clothing and threw the rest of the work to the poor old butler, having a nice long sleep from the afternoon all the way until the next morning, where he stuffed himself full of breakfast before departing

Peaceful indeed

The butler looked as if he lost his soul completely tired out as he sent Aki off to the orphanage, slowly walking back into the mansion to finish off the rest of the work

Aki rushed into the carriage with a bag as soon as it arrived, happily saying his goodbyes to the butler as he departed

His muscles relaxed as he finally found the time to ease out from his tension filled life

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