Chapter 10 : Moonlight

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two chapter in a rowwwww ahhhhhrghhhhhhhhhhh


They went to the dorms once they step foot into the school, and quickly settling in, the dorms had two rooms, a lounge area, a small kitchen, a window out into training grounds, there was only one bathroom though, so they'd have to wait and take turns

besides that, everything else was spacious and decorated, the nice scent of wood emitted from the walls, the blankets filled with the scent of sun Aki wanted nothing but to lay in bed and sleep but there was still an opening ceremony for the students so he had no choice but to tidy up

He felt quite excited yet anxious, he had never had gone to school in his previous life, instead home-schooled all the time

'hm, why does it feel like I'm forgetting something..?' Kuno thought as he met up with Aki in front of the school hall

"Hey, Aki, I'm going to go take a walk around the school"

"Hm? Oh, alright then, be back soon, the ceremony is starting"

Kuno only nodded at Aki's reply and walked off


'he hasn't come back.. it's already nearing the end... where is he?' Aki thought to himself, before being struck by the memories that surged into his mind, he had completely forgotten about this, he rushed out the hall, unable to focus on the speech the teachers were giving

he ran in the school grounds, starting to think that it was a bad choice to have the school setting be so big, panic surged him as he ran out of breath, not even half way to where he was heading, yet he kept running, barging into a locked door of a shed, and there he was, Kuno, buried in a pile of debris, bloodied and bruised

being as stubborn as he was, he didn't bother to chant a spell to lift all the rocks, and even if he wanted to, the teachers had firmly said to not use magic outside of official duels and training, even creating a barrier that detects magic in school grounds to further reinforce it, he was also worried he might not be able to have good control over his magic in his current mental state, even if he could easily surpass the barrier's limitations, so he just went ahead and dug, until his hands were covered in splinters, bruised from rocks and bleeding

he finally managed to get Kuno out, his blood from his hands dripped onto his face, and only then had he realized how much his hands hurt, without spending a moment of hesitation, he carried Kuno out and rushed to the infirmary, which was inconveniently placed at the at the farthest room in the halls, the healer was quite shocked when he barged in, he was covered in sweat, he could feel his vision getting blurry from his lost of breath, but he placed Aki onto one of the beds first, he couldn't help but feel guilty since he couldn't change the fate he gave to these characters, the characters he weaved under his own hands..

he quickly explained the situation to the healer, muttering apologies once the healer left to gather some items,

'everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me, everything happened because of me,everything happened because of me,everything happened because of me,everything happened because of me'

His thoughts raced through his heads, he couldn't be bothered to tend to his own injuries, he calmed down a while after, returning to the dormitories after the healer plucked out the splinters bandaged his fingers up

Aki stumbled back to his dorm, the ceremony had ended a moment ago, he felt exhausted and his energy seemed to be deteriorating by the second, after cleaning up, he plopped down on his bed and slept soundly


upon waking up, Kuno found himself on a soft bed

'urgh... mmn... why am I here..?'

Kuno groaned softly, but was startled upon finding Miko sitting beside him

"Oh! Looks like you're awake!"

"Uh-! Did you heal me? How did I get here anyways..?"

Kuno asked, still a little groggy from the short coma he had

"Oh, I was just told by the nurse to look after you, she didn't say anything to me though, she was probably the one who healed you as well!"

Her voice was soft and high pitched, the cutsie type that guys would typically fall for, but Kuno couldn't seem to be interested in her at all

"Uhm.. well thank you, I'll be going now."

He said, gathering his things and quickly heading back to the dormitories

The only thing he was concerned about right now, was that he would get a scolding from Aki once he got back

'That girl.. Miko was it? I recall Aki being deeply in love with her, I shouldn't get too close with her unless I'm looking for a beating.."

Kuno thought to himself, a wrenching pain seemed to knot at his heart, but he brushed it off as being nervous, since Aki has been nicer to him throughout the day



He was startled by the sound of the dormitory door creaking open, he quickly got up and tidied up his attire, his hands still sore and stung with a sharp pain, calming himself down, he opened the door to his room to find Kuno bruised and bandaged, placing his belongings down by his door


Kuno was startled by Aki's voice turning around as he stood still, having his head turned to the side as he prepared himself for a scolding

"Where have you been? I loosen the strings on you and you left me alone at the opening ceremony!? Those other students all looked at me as if I was some poor commoner! I'll let you off the hook this time, but next time, if you dare do something like this, then you'll have a nice fine beating!"

Aki shouted at him, his vision slightly blurry and his voice kind of raspy from his slumber, yet his voice loud and malicious, though Kuno quickly grasped onto the change in his voice, the yawn Aki tried to hide, and the fact that he wasn't saying it with his full heart, he turned his head back to face him, Aki had a callous look to his face, yet his eyes had eye bags under them, and he had clearly just woken up from a deep slumber, his hair disheveled and he looked like he had been rushing to tidy up

"Kuno! Are you even listening to me!? Why didn't you attend the opening ceremony!?"

Aki Shouted


hm, this seems to be getting boring

Oh, you just don't know how to appreciate a good story!

Well, it certainly isn't my fault is it? I mean, they did try to force two days in a row, seems like it didn't turn out too well, now they're tired and just want this chapter to end

Then stop blabbering! You do realize that they're writing us into the script right?

Oh- fine then, blabber mouth. I'll stop talking!

I- ugh!...


A/N: im so exhausted, never realized how tiring two chapter in a row would be..

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