Chapter 1 - "My army is nothing compares to you."

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I have always wondered how the dead are actually dead if they have been living in the hearts of the people who were still alive. I still hear the screams of the people on Earth, mourning their loved ones, who probably died a long time ago.

I envied them, really. In all my 900 years in hell, which were equivalent to 18 years on Earth, I never once experienced love. Not from my dad, and certainly not from my sister, Melinoe, who was still searching for answers about our mother.

I passed through the gates of hell, wondering when the time for me will be to leave. It was heavily guarded, but not hard to get through. I was the strongest in the underworld after my father. I had been training for hundreds of years to fight my uncle's army, Zeus.

It was stupid, actually. Two brothers fighting over a place, when both of them could rule it. Not to mention, they were not the only siblings in the family, but what can you tell a selfish man?

I strolled around the prisons of hell, looking at each name and deciding on who should I torture next. I didn't like torturing. I despised it. The only people who I feel pleasure torturing were the people who did terrible things. Terrible things to others.

My eyes land on a certain prison, standing alone with no neighbor cages. The only prison I hadn't been into. One that I should have been into a long time ago.

My mother's murderer.

It wasn't only the fact that I wasn't allowed inside this prison, it was forbidden. My father, Hades, forbade Melinoe and I to visit this man or do anything to him. Part of me thought that my father had something to do with my mother's disappearance because that would be the only reason, I could think of why he wouldn't want us to meet the man inside. He was afraid he would tell us something, something we should not discover.

I chose prison 1308755 because he was an asshole who should be tormented for the rest of his life for kidnapping young girls.

I shift into my demon form, black and white wings, short red horns, red eyes, and bloody skin.

I was sure the short horns were a curse from hell.

When the man saw me, his body shook from fear. I found pleasure in scaring people, more than torturing them.

I guess, that was why everyone labelled me as the good demon, and I guess that's why my father hated me.

"Hello, Edward, how are you?" I asked in a teasing voice as I strolled into the room with short, calculated steps.

"Oh, not going to answer me?" I pouted before breaking out a laughter. "Do you know who I am?"

He nodded hesitantly as he continued to shake.

"Good, and I don't think you'll ever forget me after today." I said with a sinister smile.

"What did you do to that man? I heard screams all over the place." My sister asked me as she sat beside my father's throne.

I don't answer her.

Melinoe rolled her eyes before looking over at Hades. "Your daughter is really starting to look like a soldier."

"That is good. We need a soldier now more than ever." Hades replied, followed by a sigh.

"What do you mean, father?" Melinoe asked.

Hades looked at me and then at his eldest daughter, "Your uncle will explain to you both."


For the first time today, I asked, "Which uncle?"

"Oh, she speaks." Melinoe said, making me roll my eyes.

"This uncle, Makaria." A too familiar voice said, making me turn quickly and look at him.

My face hardens. Zeus.

"Father! What is he doing here?" I yelled, making Hades roll his eyes before standing up from his throne and walking over.

"There is no time for your meltdowns, Makaria." He replied.

"What is so important that the mighty Zeus had to come to the underworld for?"

"I see your daughter doesn't have a filter." Zeus said, earning a glare from me.

"No, I don't. Want to see what I don't have as well?"

"Makaria!" Hades yelled, not stopping me from glaring at Zeus further.

They all sat down as silence enveloped us. I was still standing by the side, not letting my guard down.

"Prisoner in cell 1, escaped." My father uttered, making my eyes widen.

"That is not possible! I just saw him before going into another cell." I spoke.

"Zeus' school on Earth had been attacked by a demon. When I heard the news, I knew that no demon could leave hell. But prisoner 1 was not just any demon. When I had my suspicions, I went over to the cell and found it empty." Hades explained.


It can't happen.

He cannot escape just like that!

"What is it to be done?" Melinoe asked.

"I need someone to capture the demon and take it out from my school. Every week, a kid from the school gets killed." Zeus replied.

"Why can't you let your army capture him like you have done to countless demons before?" I asked with a glare burning through his skull.

"Makaria, stop." Hades sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Because my army is nothing compares to you, Makaria." Zeus replied, shocking me.

With unfortunate feelings, pride spreads through me, hearing my enemy praise me.

"Yes, Makaria, no one matches your ability in a battle. You are the strongest demon in hell and only you, can capture prisoner 1." Hades agreed with Zeus for the first time ever.

"What is it that I should do?" I asked.

"We need you to go to Earth and join the school. No one should suspect anything." Hades said, making me furrow my brows.

"What makes you think I'll agree to do this?" I asked, feeling like I had the upper hand.

"Because if you didn't, I will put you in his cell forever." Hades replied, making Melinoe snicker.

I glanced at Zeus, whose eyes softened as he looked at me. He was once nice to me, still was, and I wondered if I was on the wrong side.

"Fine. I will do it, but not because you just threatened me, I will do it because he is a killer who deserves to be in hell."

"Good." Hades replied and turned to look at Zeus. "It is settled then. My daughter will save your school, and in return, you will give me your trident."

Zeus is giving away his trident for a couple of school kids?

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