Chapter 2 - "Behave, Makaria!"

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Standing in front the gates of hell, knowing that I was going to go through it felt weird and wrong. I have always stood by the gates wondering when the time would be to leave, but I didn't think it would be too soon. Hades either had so much faith in me, or he just doesn't care and wanted the demon back.

Theseus was his name.

It was funny really; Theseus was a hero back in the day. He was a good man, who everyone adored. It was only when my mother rejected him that his true colors showed up.

"I want reports every single day." Hades' voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Sure, if I have time." I replied, nonchalantly.

"Don't test me, Makaria!"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes before attempting to cross the gates.

"Wait!" My sister's voice halted my steps. I turned around and looked into her teary eyes.

Was she...crying?

"Take care, sister." She hugged me, shocking me.
I looked at her in a funny way before patting her back and nodding. Hades didn't say anything, how could he? His favorite daughter could do no wrong, but if I cried, I would be called weak.

"Goodbye." "I said before crossing the gates.

I had never left hell before; thus, I didn't know what I would feel when I cross the gates of hell. But I didn't know it would feel like this.


I absolutely felt nothing.


I opened my eyes, and I am suddenly standing in the middle of the street. I guess the passage to hell was different than from.

In front of me was a huge gate with the words 'Olympus High' written on it.

My face scrunch in confusion. I didn't think the school that I was going to attend had this ugly logo.

I sighed before going through the gates.
No one stopped me. No guards or security.
No wonder the kids in this school are being killed. They're stupid.

I just realized that I had a backpack on my back. It must have been something Zeus gave me because Hades' brain doesn't work outside torturing and manipulating.

Soon, a huge building stood in front of me. Kids strolled in and out of the enormous golden double doors. Some were standing outside, chatting with their friends in the open area.

I could see kids from all ages, as young as 10 years old.

My eyes landed on an old woman. Not so old, probably in her 40s. Her eyes immediately met mine, and I knew right then that she was expecting me. Hades did mention that someone in the school was going to welcome me.

I wondered if she knew I was a demon.

"You must be Diana! Welcome to Olympus High. I was expecting you." The woman had a big smile. "My name is principal Gloria, and I will help you settle in."

Act like a normal being, Makaria.

"Hey! Thank you so much for having me." I enthusiastically said with a grin.

That must have convinced her as she ushered me inside the building.

The number of angels I came across was disgusting. It's a good thing that they cannot sense what I was. Being a royal demon had its perks, like hiding my true identity. Not even Theseus will sense me.

I followed Gloria until we reached a huge hall with so many kids sitting on tables, probably waiting for a speech as I saw the podium by the corner.

I just hoped she wouldn't-

"Everyone! Please welcome a new student, Diana!" Gloria yelled through the hall, which contained approximately two hundred being.

I didn't like attention. I despised it. And I wasn't going to like it now.

Whispers echoed through the hall as girls and boys pointed at me with huge smiles on their faces. Some however, had a scowl.

"Please make her feel like she's at home!" Gloria continued as she told me to sit beside a certain group of people.

I immediately join the group and sat on the only empty chair, beside a girl who had colorful hair, telling me that she was a mermaid.

"Hey! my name is Maia, what's yours?" The girl excitedly said.

I don't have time for this, I thought.

"Slow down, Maia, don't scare the girl." A boy with ginger hair said.

"I am not scaring her, George! Fuck off." Maia replied angrily.

He raised his hands in surrender.

I could feel eyes burning my skull and when I looked to my left, I found another boy with glasses on glaring at me.

A centaur.

Zeus didn't tell me that there was a centaur in the school! Centaurs could sense demons no matter what I did. I just had to not let him touch me.

I smiled and replied, "It's totally fine. My name is Diana."

"Love your name!" Maia said, happily.

"What are you, Diana?" George asked, making the whole group look at me.

With distaste, I reply, "An angel."

"Oh, like Ares and Phoebe here! But Ares is only half." Maia said, pointing at one of the boys who had dark, black hair, and at Phoebe, one of the three girls who had a light brown hair.

"Good to know." I smiled, trying my best not to look fake.

Phoebe didn't say anything, but Ares just had to open his mouth, "Which school were you at before coming to Olympus High?"

"Hell." I replied, nonchalantly. I could hear Hades screaming at me in my head for saying that.

Maia and George laughed, thinking I was joking. Phoebe and Ares had a small smile, while the centaur wouldn't stop looking at me.

"Behave, Makaria!" Hades' voice boomed inside my head.

"I am just kidding!" I giggled. "I was actually in Olympus, helping Zeus with matters. I only came here because he wouldn't shut up about how education was very important!"

"I've never heard anyone speak like that about Zeus." Maia said as she looked at me with so much admiration.

Part of me felt like Zeus was so mad right now that he was going to pull me out of the mission, but thankfully, he didn't do anything.

"Well, what can I say, working with him for so long makes you feel like you are close to him." I shrugged.

"Everyone! I am sorry to announce that your classmate Atlas has been found dead in his dorms. Please reach out to me if you don't feel good. I am always here to listen." Gloria's speech attracted everyone.

"Why does she sound like Atlas had committed suicide?" Hector for the first time, spoke.

"Because they are hiding something." A new boy, who had just joined said.

"I don't think so, Alexander. He seemed like he wasn't good the last couple of days." George replied.

"This is the fourth one to die in the past few days. There is something wrong." Ares said, making everyone think deeply.

"I agree." Maia nodded her head.

"Please retrieve to your respective rooms! Make sure to stay inside today as heavy rain is going to fall in the next few minutes." Gloria lastly said, before coming down from the podium.

"Where is your room?" Maia asked me.

"She's with me." A girl, who I didn't see before, said. "I am Penelope, a fairy, nice to meet you."

"Diana, nice to meet you too."

"Let's go."

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