Chapter 13 - "Thanks, Cerebrus"

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As soon as I saw Cerebrus, I felt that I could breathe again. I know that's cheesy, but he was the only creature who stood by me. And luckily, I was the only one who could talk to him.

The three of them looked at me with a confused face. I thought for a second that they didn't know who Cerebrus was, but then I thought it was impossible because everyone should know about him, or at least studied.

Well, until I saw their confused faces.

"What's a Cerebrus?" Penelope asked.

"You're kidding." I chuckled. "You don't know Cerebrus? Are you serious?"

"How would we know Cerebrus? Who is he?" Alexander asked, crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes and looked again at the three-headed dog. He was sleeping sound fully like he always did.

"Cerebrus is the guardian and protecter of hell." Ares replied this time. So, he wasn't confused because he didn't know him, but rather confused as to why he was here.

The same question was running through my mind. What was Cerebrus doing here on Earth? The only answer that came to me was that Hades didn't want anyone here to find the compass because he didn't want anyone to leave, which means, he was playing behind Zeus.

"Oh my god..." Penelope exclaimed as her breathing got harder.

"Calm down, he's not going to do anything to you." I said.

"Easy for you to say! You practically grew up with him." She said, making me smile.

"Yes, I did, so do not fear him."

I walked towards Cerebrus, while the rest were yelling at me to stop, but I didn't listen to them. They eventually followed me but kept a good distance.

As soon as I was 2 meters away from him, he woke up, making Penelope scream.

Cerebrus was in the attack mode but once he saw me, he immediately backed down.

"They are with me." I said to him before he sat down. "I miss you so much, but why are you here?" I asked him.

He told me that Hades sent him here to guard a rock. He didn't know the details, but he and I know damn well that he cannot tell Hades no.

"I am here because I want to take something that is hidden here. Could you please move so I can retrieve it?" I replied after he had asked why I was there.

After he said yes, Cerebrus moved and let me retrieve the compass from under the rock. Of course, Penelope played a big role in move the rock.

"Thanks, Cerebrus."

After that, I walked back to the group, who were shocked from what they had witnessed.

"I told you; you should not fear him."

"I can't believe what I had just saw." Alexander commented.

"Great, you should be glad then that I am here." I said, making everyone roll their eyes.

"You're so full of yourself." Ares said.

"I know, do you have a problem with it?"



* * *

While walking back through the woods, I discovered something. Well, I didn't actually just discover it, but rather I was sure of it.

Hades was a liar, and he didn't care about me. He lied to me and to Zeus, and me being the smartest daughter of Hades, I was great at lying and manipulating. So, I decided to report false information, find who had been helping him at the school, and find my mother.

My mother could be the key to everything. She was a witch and a feeling inside me told me that she was somehow connected to the curse that had been placed on this land for centuries.

I wonder who was the oldest person at the school. It could be Gloria since she was the principal, or it could be one of the teachers. Either way, I am sure many died before them. I wonder who was the first principal at Olympus High.

"So, what does the compass do?" Penelope asked as she chews her bubble gum, annoying everyone. I hated when people made sounds when they eat. I would kill someone for doing this.

"I am not sure, yet. But I will find out soon."

"You're telling me that you made me stress out for something that you had no clue of?"

"Umm, yes." I shrugged.

"You're're a-"

"I'm a what? A bitch? Psycho? Lunatic? Emotionless?"

"Girls, enough! We need to get back before sundown." Ares interrupted as he looked at the sky.

I ignored Penelope the whole way back. I didn't want to argue with her because I knew that no matter how stubborn I was, I could never win an argument with Penelope, not because I couldn't, but because I would get sick of her that I'd surrender.

When we reached the school, each one of us walked to a different hallway. It was as if we couldn't bear to stay with one another longer.

I entered my room dumped my bag on the floor. I took off my jacket and threw it across the room, just like I used to do in Hell. My mother used to scold me for this. Even though she was too busy loving Theseus and disappearing sometimes, she always made sure to check up on me. At that time, we didn't know she was going out with Theseus of course.

Turning around to jump on my bed, I noticed a black rose sitting on my bed. Now black roses are not common, but they are not rare.

The only place where you can find this rose was in hell, and the only person who used to pick these roses was my mother.

She was either in hell using her magic to send me those flowers, which was impossible because she wouldn't go there, or she's here in this school, hiding somewhere.

That's another mystery to solve.

But the most important thing was, my mother's still alive, and she's looking for me.

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