Chapter 16 - "What if Gloria was the traitor?"

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"Makaria?" Gloria called as she narrowed her eyes to the compass in my hand.

I didn't attempt to hide it because I didn't want her to think that it was something I didn't want her to know. Though, she seemed like she recognized it.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" She asked.

"Nothing. I was going to Penelope's room to ask her about something." I replied.

Penelope's room was on this side of the stairs, while mine was on the other.

"Okay, be fast as it is almost past curfew."
Curfew? I didn't know there was one.

My doubts heightened and the only thing I was thinking at that moment was, what if Gloria was the traitor?


I went up the stairs and took a right. Penelope's room, which was my room too, was at the end of the corridor. It was the last room and opposite Ares'.

I knocked on the door, looking to my left to see if Gloria followed me. I wasn't afraid or anything, but I didn't want my plans to be revealed just yet.

The door opened and a confused Penelope looked at me as she rubbed her eyes. She was wearing a long pink sleeve pajama set with white stripes. It looked like I woke her up from a deep sleep.

"What?" she asked rudely.

I didn't say anything and just went in, closing the door behind me.

"What the hell?!"

"I was following the compass when Gloria caught me. I told her I was coming here."

"Oh, well, I am going back to sleep."

"Penelope." I called.

She turned around and looked at me lazily.

"I...I..." I struggle with saying words that I had never said before. "I'm...I hope you're not angry with me anymore. We need to work together."

"It's funny how you couldn't even say sorry." She pointed out.

Well, I never apologized to anyone before. Not even my dear mother. But of course, I would not say that to her.

So, I decided to be the bitch I was.

"Because I don't think you deserve it." I replied, my head held high. 

I turned around and left the room.

I walked back to mine and hide the compass. It didn't light up again, which told me that it would only light up at a certain time. 

But what if someone was trying to send me a message through it? What if someone was calling me through it?

I put my head on the pillow and close my eyes, knowing very well that I would not sleep.

I never slept. 


The next day, we had no classes, so I spend it at the library.

I was reading some books about Olympus and how only the lucky people who got to see all of it. I had never seen Olympus. Yes, I went there once, but I was immediately thrown out. Zeus had a rule of no demons allowed, which made Hades create the same rule for angels. 

Zeus and Hades despised each other, which confused me because they were working together now, but I knew Hades didn't have the best intentions. I was just waiting for him to reveal what he had been hiding. 

"What are you reading?" Ares asked, cutting my reading mid-sentence.

"Just a book."

"It seems interesting."

"It is."

"Any new updates?" He whispered so no one hears. 

I closed the book and sighed. "The compass started lightening up, giving me directions to follow. I was close, but Gloria saw me, and I had to stop."

"Mhmm, Penelope told me about what happened yesterday. You're awful at communicating."

I remained silent because he was right. But I was trained like a soldier, and I was a royal demon. I don't apologize. 

"It is better that way." I replied, not looking at him.

"We are working together; how do you think it was better that way?" 

"I don't make friends, Ares, I am a loner."

"But we're friends, right?" 

I so badly wanted to say yes, but I would be a fool if I thought so. 

"We can never be friends, Ares. We are enemies, but we're putting that on hold."

"Why does it have to be like that?" He asked, frustrated.

"Ask Hades and Zeus."

"But we don't have to listen to them."

"No matter how much I hate Hades, I will always be loyal to him. I am his daughter, so I need to follow him and his rules."

"It seems slavery to me."

"Call it whatever you want, this is the reality."

With that, he shuts up. He knew it was useless to argue with me. I was very stubborn, and I was always angry. Though, I agreed with him, we do not need to listen to Zeus and Hades, but as I mentioned, I was stubborn, and I wanted to go against anything that is related to Zeus. 

He was my idol. 

The hero I dreamt of taking lessons from. 

He was my uncle.

Until he ruined it all. 

Ares and I didn't talk for thirty minutes until I had sensed it. That awful feeling of sensing someone was going to die, but this time, I sensed who it was going to be because he stood in front of us, picking up a book.

"Hey, man." Ares greeted Hector. 


Could we change fate? I was always the one who took the spirits to hell, but Melinoe was handling that at the moment. 

I had never tried changing someone's fate before, but I had to try. 

"Guys, follow me." I immediately stood up and urged them to follow. Ares and Hector had confused expressions, but a part of me felt that they felt the urgency of the situation. 

"What is going on?" Hector asked as he strolled behind me. 

I walked faster until I reached my room. I opened the door and locked it once we were all in.

"Makaria, what is going on?" Ares asked, alarmed.

I kept looking at Hector but didn't say anyhting.


"I sense a death." I said, making them stand still. Whatever left of the wind in the room had gone away, and it was suddenly dark and aerie, almost felt like a horror movie.

"Whose death?" Hector asked.

"Yours, Hector. Your death."

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