Chapter 14 - "I think I'm allergic to cashews."

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I had been sitting in my room, on the bed, thinking hard about what the compass we retrieved does. I was someone who didn't like to leave things hanging, especially when it was very important.

At first, I thought that the compass would direct me to a specific place, maybe Roselie's grave, but it didn't make any sense unless she left something behind in her grave.

But how would she know she would die?

The worst thing was, there was a way to talk to Roselie, but she wasn't in hell, and I can't visit Mount Olympus.

But after focusing on the compass, which turned out to be red color, I discovered a small engraving of a sentence.

"Find my blood."

Places don't have blood. People do. Or animals...but I doubted Roselie would put a clue with an animal.

I hid the compass in one of the drawers and marched my way out of the room. The hallways were crowded with students, which told me that someone must have died.

I reached Ares and his friends and asked, "Who died this time?"

"A servant." Maia replied with a shock that adorned her face.

"A servant? What do you mean?" I asked with confusion.

Phoebe sighed before replying, "A servant was sent my Zeus to deliver a message to principal Gloria and before he left, he was found in the janitor's room with his head cut off."

Before I could say anything, principal Gloria called everyone to the hall room. Just like every time, she announces the death of yet another student but this time concealing the true identity of the deceased.

He wasn't a student. He was Zeus' servant, and I wondered why he was here in the first place. It was definitely to deliver a message but what was it and to whom?

Helen scowled and asked, "Isn't Zeus supposed to know who is killing and stop them?"

"Not necessarily." George replied. "Yes, he has many angels to tell him what was going on, but I feel whatever is going on was done in discreet."

"But he's a god." Penelope argued, mainly directing her argument towards me as if waiting for me to confirm.

"Him being a god doesn't mean he knows everything. He has so many things to take care of back in Olympus."

"And how would you know?" Alexander asked. "I didn't think demons were allowed there."

"They aren't." I shrugged. "But I had my ways of knowing everything that happened back there."

"Mhmm, a boyfriend perhaps?" Maia teased, making me almost gag because she was right.

"Unfortunately." I replied.

I felt a glare on the back of my head and when I turned, it was Ares' burning eyes.

What did I do now?

"Everyone, go to your classes!" Gloria screamed.

For the first time as a demon, I will be joining the regular classes with everyone. Gloria called me to her office in the morning and she told me that I will have to resume my previous classes because they were still not qualified to teach a demon even though I didn't need to be taught.

"Welcome back, Ms. Makaria." Mr. Roman greeted me cheerfully.

That's a surprise.

I just nodded my head and took a seat beside Penelope, who had a scowl on her face.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"For lying, making me feel like a stupid person, and for faking our friendship? Of course I am mad!"

Okay, she was mad, and she had the right. But it wasn't like I had an option.

"You'll come around." I replied with a sigh, making her angrier.

It was my specialty.

"Okay class, today we are going to learn about Medusa."

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

* * *

Three classes later, I went to the cafeteria to eat something. There was this bowl that everyone was eating, and it got my attention.

I was hesitant to sit with them even though I was with them since the morning, but it was hard for my ego since I knew all of them hate me.

Ares was being nice, but I would be too stupid if I believed he likes me because I killed his father.

"Makaria, come sit with us!" Maia yelled.

I saw Penelope and Phoebe nudge her, but she didn't bother to listen. I didn't want to go, but I'd rather not sit alone, or Hades would eat my head with questions.

"This is so good!" Maia moaned as she ate whatever's in the bowl. It got me even more interested.

"I don't know how you like it. It has cashews!" Hector almost gagged.

I never tried cashews, so I opened my bowl and took the first bite, and as soon as I swallowed it, I started coughing black blood.

The girls started screaming while Ares took my arm and helped me up.

"What's happening? Are you okay?" Ares asked in a panicked state.

I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but couldn't.

Once I stopped, I looked at them and finally rolled my eyes. "I think I'm allergic to cashews."

"Then why did you eat it!?" Penelope scolded.

"I didn't know that I was. I never had cashews before—hell, I never had allergies before."

"Maybe you were born with it?" Alexander asked.

Of course, I was...

Damn it, Hades!

"Never mind. It sucked."

"Right!" Hector agrees with me for the first time.

After a few minutes, we were the only ones in the cafeteria and for a second, I felt that something or someone was coming. Someone who was not from this world, probably Zeus or Hades.

But I was mistaken. The person who came was not one of the big three.

It was the son of Aphrodite, Eros.

My ex.

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