Chapter 6 - "So pumpkin, are you ready?"

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Self-defense class sucked.

Imagine training with brain-less, egoistical, narcissist demigods. I didn't understand how the gods visited Earth and had children here. Imagine a god and a She Wolf getting together...gosh.

I couldn't even picture it in my head.

Mr. Ophistus, our self-defense teacher, split us into groups. Ares, Phoebe, me, and a couple of other angels were in one group. George was with the vampires. Penelope was with the fairies. Maia with the mermaids. Helen with the witches and wizards. Alexander with the werewolves. And finally, Hector with the centaurs.

Ares could have been put with the werewolves, but according to Mr. Ophistus, the angels are much powerful, hence why he chose Ares' powerful side.

Powerful my ass.

"Okay, everyone! Today we will learn an important lesson. How to defend yourself from your kind."

"But why are we learning that?" Maia asked the question that was running in everyone's mind.

"Because sometimes, your worst enemy is from your family. From your kind."

I couldn't believe I was thinking this, but I agreed with him. Which was why I had suspected that Melinoe was responsible for Theseus' escape. Not on purpose at least, but who knows?

"Okay, please pair up and start fighting! Use your powers to defend and attack. Make sure not to harm!"

Ares knew what he was doing. His evident smirk told me that he chose to be my partner on purpose. I could already sense Hades' anxiety as he watched over me. He wasn't ready for my plan to fail, especially when Hades put all his faith in this quest. Zeus might have chosen me, but Hades made sure to add some spices to my character and skills.

Don't ruin it, Makaria!

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"So, pumpkin, are you ready?" Ares smirked, making me sport a frown.

"Don't ever call me pumpkin." I replied.

"Sure thing, pumpkin."

Now here was the problem. Ares was half angel; he had the powers. But me? I am a demon - no matter what I did, my powers could never show as angels'.

Help me out here, Zeus!

I yelled to my uncle, but it was as if he didn't hear me.

Regretfully, painfully, and shamefully, I withdrew. I would never do that back in hell. I never withdrew from a fight before, not even when I fought my father or sister. But I can't fail this quest. I needed to find Theseus and if everyone found out that I was a demon, they would never accept me here.

I started acting tired and dizzy. Ares had a frown on his face as he looked at me. "Are you okay?" He had asked.

I didn't verbally reply, thinking that shaking my head would do the trick, and it did.

I started to stumble until finally dropping to the ground with a thud. Mr. Ophistus and Ares ran to me.

"Diana! Are you okay?" My teacher yelled, while Ares held me in his arms.

He felt warm. Warm enough for me to kill him and send him to hell.

A few minutes later, I found myself in my bed. Ares and Mr. Ophistus called Gloria and the doctor. Jina her name was.

The good thing was that I could harm myself with my demon powers. That way, Jina could at least find something in me.

"Her body is tired. She just needs to rest." Jina said.

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Jina." Gloria smiled at the doctor before Jina went back to her duty.

"Are you feeling better, Diana?" Gloria asked.

"I am fine. I just need to rest." I replied coldly.

Ares' posture told me that he was concerned, but my mind couldn't understand why.

We weren't close or even friends. He hated my guts, and I hated his. Mutual hatred, yet he felt concerned. I could even feel it.

Sucks to be a royal demon.

"Thanks for helping me." I told Ares, though it forcefully came out of me.

"Of course. I hope you feel better." Ares smiled weakly before leaving.

As soon as he left, I rolled my eyes and hopped off the bed. I was mad that Zeus didn't help, but it was not like I was expecting him to.

Hundreds of years ago, Zeus did the same, so I didn't expect him not to do that right now. Yes, he was my uncle, but I was still a demon.

I looked out of the window; my room faced the woods. Heavy tress adorned the area outside the school, making it seem the perfect place for a horror movie.

I liked horror movies. So much pain and fear, just like hell.

Being a demon made me feel whenever the new death happens, which was what I felt when I looked at the woods. Someone's body was out there, and no one had found out yet.

The next day, the news travelled around the school that a new body was found in the woods. Many students were being killed since I had arrived, which made me think that Theseus knew I was at the school and wanted to anger me for not yet finding him.

The good thing was that he didn't know my face, but a part of me thought that maybe, just maybe, he did.

When Gloria announced the news, she didn't lie. The body was found in the woods this time. However, she was looking at me through her speech.

There was something about Gloria that made her the first suspect on my list, however, I was not stupid. For all I knew, Gloria's choice of words and actions could only mean that she knew who I was. After all, I was in her school sent from Zeus.

How could she not ask about who I was?

"This is getting out of hand. We might be next!" George exclaimed.

"Don't be a baby, George! We are powerful. Most of the dead kids were freshman." Penelope replied.

So, Theseus is targeting the weak.

"Go to your classes, everyone!" Gloria announced.

I didn't understand why she would resume all the classes after the deaths. Besides, the whole concept of not closing the school was weird to me. But then I did hear that the school was cursed, or for the cursed. So, they couldn't just let all the students go, right?

But why were they cursed in the first place? Why would Zeus allow this, especially since there were angels in the school.

"Penelope, how is this school cursed?" I asked Penelope, who sat beside me in the class.

She sighed before answering. "Well, whoever enters it, cannot leave. This part of the land was cursed by Titan. No one knew about it. When Zeus told us to come to Earth to train, he didn't know that this place was going to imprison us."
Excuse me?!

"Wait, you're telling me that whoever comes here, cannot leave? Like, I cannot leave?"

"That's why we were surprised when you came. Zeus knew about this place, yet he sent you here."

Fuck you, Zeus! Fuck you, Hades!

"Is there a way for someone to leave?" I asked.

"The only way I think would be to go to the underworld, but Zeus didn't allow it."

Thank God.


She had a confused look. "Haven't you heard about the stories of how Hades treated the visitors? Besides, he wouldn't let us leave. He's evil."

Oh, that.

"Yeah, I heard of that." I nodded in agreement, but Penelope's suspecting face remained pointed at me as if she knew something about me. As if she figured it out.

"Zeus. I worked with him."


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