Chapter 5 - "Speaking of my sister, this is Chloe."

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"That lecture Mr. Roman taught about Hades really scared me. I mean, did you see how Hades' real form looked? He's ugly and terrifying!"
Helen, one of the girls in the group who I just met, said.

I mean, she wasn't wrong. Hades did look ugly and terrifying, not to mention hostile. But I'd like to think that I was more hostile than him, maybe because I was trained by him from a young age.

Believe it or not, Hades only wanted one daughter and that was Melinoe. I was an extra thing that he had to endure, hence why he hated me so much.

"I know! I now understand why this school forbids demons to study in it. They undoubtedly look like Hades or even worse." Maia agreed, making my blood boil a little.

I wasn't someone who was loyal to their family or "kind," but she still talked about demons, and I was one.

"Stop talking about them, it brings bad luck!" Penelope said, making the guys nod in agreement.

"So, Diana, do you have any siblings?" Alexander asked, turning all eyes on me.

"I have a sister-" I said, my eyes landing on a blonde-haired girl, who was walking to us. I immediately knew who she was. "Speaking of my sister, this is Chloe." I pointed at Melinoe, who took the form of a girl she killed in the 60s.

"Hey, sissy! I need to speak to you." Melinoe disregarded everyone and forwarded her question to me. It looked urgent, so I decided to go out of the cafeteria with her. Besides, we couldn't speak in front of everyone.

"Be careful, some of them could hear from a few miles away." I said as we walked out.

"What are you doing?!" She whisper-yelled.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"You're supposed to be looking for that demon and not handout with enemies!"

"Chill, they could be the key to finding Theseus."

"Don't say his name!"

"Don't be a baby. It's not like he could do anything to us."

"I think you forgot how strong he is!"

"I didn't, but I am stronger. Anyways, what do you want?"

"Father told you to send him weekly reports. You didn't." She explained as her eyes roamed around the hallway.

I sighed before saying, "Tell your father to fuck off and let me do my job."

She scowled as she looked at me with an unknown emotion. "Why do you hate him this much?"

I didn't reply. I turned around and left, just like I always did whenever she asked me that question.
I could never tell her that my hatred for Hades didn't just stem from him treating me like a soldier, but rather him being part of my mother's death, the only person who actually cared about me.

I went back to the cafeteria, now occupied with even more students. I hated how it smelled, almost like a very small room with a bunch of young kids, who had been eating convenient store food in their break. IT really sucked.

"Your sister is hot." George commented, making me roll my eyes. If only he saw her disgusting true form.

I might be the only one who had a good demon form.

"Shut up." I replied sarcastically.

"Does she go to another school?" Ares asked.

"Yes, she does."

When the break was over, all of us stood to go to our classes. The majority of the kids at the cafeteria stayed, not caring that their class had started.

Ares had other plans when he stood my arm and let me stay behind as the group left.

"What?" I asked, snatching my arm.

"I know you lied about working with Zeus."

"Excuse me?"

"I know someone who works with Zeus, and they never heard of you. What are you hiding, Diana?"

"And who told you that everyone knew I was working for Zeus? It was a secret."

"A secret that you willingly shared?"

"I don't have time for you, Ares." I said, turning around to leave, but what he said next, halted my movements.

"I heard what you told your sister about us hearing from a few miles away. What is it that you didn't want us to hear?"

"It is none of your business. Knock it off!" My hard exterior reappeared.

I could feel that he sensed he went too far, which was why he stopped.

I reached the classroom and apologized to Ms. Raven before finding my seat.

I sat beside Maia and Phoebe.

Phoebe was a very quiet person, unlike Maia who was bubbly and wouldn't shut up.

Ms. Raven taught a geography class, mainly about Olympus. Olympus was a huge place, with more than a thousand city inside. Every city was known for something and had its god, and Zeus controlled them all.

"Okay, everyone, let's start with city-"

I tuned Ms. Raven out as I already knew what she was talking about. Believe it or not, but I was obsessed with Olympus. I wanted to live there for many years, before Zeus closed the door in my face. Metaphorically.

I accepted my fate and stayed in hell. It was my home and will always be, despite the hate I felt towards it. But I guess that was normal, right? It was all about torture, killing, and hate.

When the lecture was over, I decided to visit principal Gloria. I found it weird that she wasn't engaging with everyone like she used to when I first came, which made me a bit suspicious.

Has Theseus possessed her?

Knocking on the door, I went in without waiting for an answer. she was sitting behind her desk, typing on her keyboard, when she looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, Diana, it's lovely seeing you here. Is something wrong?" Her soft, genuine voice almost bought it. Almost.

"Hey, I just wanted to visit you and thank you for everything." The lie rolled out of my mouth.

"Oh, dear, you don't have to thank me."

I smiled at her. A fake smiled, of course.

"By the way, where was the girl who was murdered found?" I asked, noticing her eyes widening a bit.

"She was found in her room." She replied.

A lie I knew very well because all the witnesses said that they had found her in the woods.

The principle was lying and that could only mean two things. Either Theseus had possessed her, and he slipped, or that principal Gloria was trying to keep information hidden, so that we don't go and investigate.

But still, she should warn everyone, not that anywhere was safe.

"Don't you think we should evacuate the school?" I asked.

"No, dear, it is very risky. Imagine the monster or whatever it is following us outside to the real world. Humans would die in seconds."

"You're right. They're pathetic." I replied.

"Diana, that's not right to think."

"Sorry." I replied sheepishly, acting of course.

"Anyways, dear, go to your next class. Don't be late."


Principal Gloria is on top of my suspect list, but the only thing that's stopping me from believing she's Theseus was that it seemed too easy, and Theseus, was very smart.

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