Chapter 8: Protecting the Village

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As Y/N and Cassandra made their way to the village, they never caught a sight of Lyon's minions. They climbed the walls and hopped over the wall where he saw Lucy, Elizabeth, Hawk, Happy, and a maid with pink hair and wearing shackles.

 They climbed the walls and hopped over the wall where he saw Lucy, Elizabeth, Hawk, Happy, and a maid with pink hair and wearing shackles

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Lucy and Elizabeth: Y/N!

Hawk and Happy: Cassandra! 

Y/N: Lucy, Elizabeth, there you are. Glad you made it back in one piece. 

Cassandra: What's with the pit-hole at the village entrance? (looks at the maid) And who's the maid..?

Lucy: I was trying to make a trap for Lyon's guys, and this is Virgo, one of my Zodiac Spirits, she's the one who dug the hole.

Virgo: Hello, sir, ma'am.

Y/N: Hello there. Now, Natsu went back to get Gray, they should be here any-

Natsu: Hey guys! Are you okay?!

Cassandra: Wait! Stop, Natsu!

Natsu stopped infront of the pit-hole trap and Lucy sighed in relief.

Natsu: What's with the weird grass?

Lucy: No, wait don't-

Natsu stepped and fell in the pit-hole trap with Gray.

Lucy: It's ruined.

Cassandra: Never-mind. 

Y/N: How's Gray doing? 

Happy: If you're wondering, it was Lucy's dumb idea to make that hole.

Natsu: I should've known! But Gray, He's down for the count.

Lucy: The guy in the mask beat him up that badly?

Elizabeth: Um... Excuse me, miss Cassandra.

Cassandra: (tilts her head and smile) Yes, dear? What is it?

Elizabeth: I was wondering... How did you join the Seven Deadly Sins as the Snake Sin of Lust?

Cassandra was a bit surprised by the sudden question Elizabeth asked. Soon, some of the group members like Natsu and Lucy were curious. Heck, even Happy and Hawk.

Lucy: (curious) You know what? I'm also curious. How did you and Y/N meet?

Natsu: Yeah, how did you guys met anyway?

Cassandra: (thinking) I don't know...

Happy: (puppy eyes) Pretty please?

Hawk: Please miss Cassandra?

Cassandra couldn't resist the cuteness that Happy was doing, especially when he gave her the puppy eyes. She couldn't resist either as she grabbed Happy and giving him a big squeeze hug while rubbing her cheek on his. She also grabbed Hawk as well due to how politely he asked her and grew a big soft spot for both Happy and Hawk.

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