Death Battle 1: Seven Deadly Sins vs Jaegers

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Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.


The scene starts with the Sins on a mission until they came across a village being ransacked by soldiers of the Empire. 

The other Sins looked at their leader who nodded as they began slaughtering the soldiers and saving the people, buying them time to escape until they meet the Jaegers. 

Esdeath: My, looks we got ourselves some murderers other than Night Raid. 

Y/N: Are you in command of this army that ransacked the village.

Esdeath: Yes. We're from the Empire, the Jaegers. And we're here to those heretics to hell for defining the Emperor's wishes. 

Y/N: I see... (his Demon Mark appeared on his forehead as his eyes became black) Then you will die. 

Esdeath: Is that so?

Stylish: My Stylish team had already drawn the conclusion that something was wrong. Any ordinary Doctor would be long dead. But I came prepared! (evil laugh)

Team Stylish leaped over the walls and hedges, flooding the Sins. Kurome drew Yatsufusa as Wave draws his won sword. 

Bols puffed up his chest, more out of fear and a means of steadying the nerves. He began clutching at the handles of his instrument of execution, arms indicatively shaking. 

Run: Mastema!

He began summoning the Wing type Imperial Arms on his back.

Seryu: Koro, (points at a man and his pregnant wife) sick em!

Her obedient Teigu leapt up, and revealed its fangs, trying to eat them as they scream. Leo saves the couple and chops Koro in half with Ritta. 

Leonidas: Foolish mutt. 

Kurome: (smiles) Oh, looks like we got ourselves a fight to the death after all.



Wave activated his Teigu and rushing to meet Ryuno before thrusting a fist at him, but Ryuno caught it with his hand. 

Ryuno: Not bad. Let's see how strong that armour is.

Kaku: C'mere, Flyboy! Show me what-

Kaku got backslapped in the right cheek by Ryuno before punched Wave away as he dashed towards him. 

Ryuna draws Masamune to cut down Kurome, who backed away into a quick defensive stance. The two then engaged in a sword fight. 

Bols points his flamethrower at Eli and unleashes it, but not before the Fairy King creates a barrier around himself. Chastiefol had transformed into a bear and blocked the attack. It then broken down into kunai, which were launched towards Bols who avoided it. 

With a wave of her hand, Esdeath uses her Ice Calvary Trump Card to summon an army of ice centaur soldiers while Y/N creates clones of himself using his Lostvayne who proceed to easily take down several of the centaurs.

Esdeath comes riding in on a centaur of her own as Y/N leaps into the air and unleashes Hellblaze at her, making the centaur melt. 

Run took off over the head of Cassandra, looking to open fire with feathers to restrain her. No luck was to be had, however, and Cassandra smirked as she backed away from the onslaught before unleashing fire and water orbs at him.

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