Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

Everything hurts. They really did a number on me this time. Can't feel anything or move an inch. Kind of my fault for hitting one of them in the head with a rock and kicking another's family jewels. Which ended up pissing them off even more.

Definitely have to steal another pair of Nini's clothes cause these ones are absolutely ruined. There's too much mud and blood to fully get rid of all the stains later if I try to clean it. Plus it's ripped now too. And I'm too lazy to put in the effort to store it back into the fine piece it was.

I really have to start bringing back up clothes whenever I leave the house. Cause now here I am, in the middle of the woods, freezing my butt off as I stared up at the dark grey sky whiled it poured down on me. The pain made it too difficult to move so I can't even crawl under something for some protection.

I'm cold to the bone. My fingers went numb a while ago, the same with my toes. I bet If I look into a mirror, then I'll probably see blue lips and my pale skin even paler. Am definitely going to get sick after this.

Being born weak, my immune system was the same. When I was younger I was constantly getting sick, luckily my mom was there to take care of me. But with her gone, I had to do it myself.

Well, Nini and the others take care of from time to time. And all they do is play video games, read books, or just be on their phones the entire time they take care of me. They do give me snacks and making sure I'm comfortable but it's not the same when mom did it.

I remember her stocking my hair, saying sweet things to comfort me as I had a high fever and felt like I was dying. She would take the best care of me, even calling out of work to do so. And her work was very important. I miss her.


Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in the middle of a forest with tall, bright green tress. It wasn't dark, I wasn't in any pain and it wasn't raining.

What's going on? Did I die or something. Is this hell? No, this place seems to nice to be hell. Must be heaven then.

I sat up and started looking around. Did that bozo finally get the guts to kill me? Awesome, I can finally haunt him and make HIS life miserable! Now all I have to do is find him and begin the torment. Should be easy enough.

Getting up on my feet, I noticed that I was in clean clothes...Yup, 100% dead...Let's look around. Can't stay here forever.

I started walking in a random direction. Let's hope I don't bump into something out here cause I'm not in the mood to run around like a lunatic.

Besides that, this place is very beautiful so if I'm not really dead then that means I'm not in the pack's territory. Then where the hell am I!? Did I get kidnapped again?! Groan I don't wanna deal with this right now! And how long have I been walking!? It's been ages!

My feet hurt, I'm exhausted, it's hot, I'm thirsty, it's too quiet, it's too bright, my eyes hurt, and being in this forest alone is starting to give me the creeps. Feels like someone else is here with me.

Stumbling upon a clearing, I sighed. I think I'll rest for a little. Walking too long takes a toll on me. Strolling out of the trees I was greeted by a large, loud river, that solves my water problem.

I took a seat next to the river and cupped my hands. The water was chillingly cold but I didn't focus too much at that, it was kind of hot so this was the best solution to cool down.

Taking a few sips and splashing my face, I was satisfied. Surveying the place, I noticed a small blue butterfly pop out of nowhere and flutter over to me. I raised my hand and let it landed on my finger.

Like this place, the butterfly was very beautiful and bright, like it was glowing. Never saw a butterfly like this before.

After a moment, it flew off my finger and over to my left. Turning to said left, I paled. There laying down in the middle of the trees and river
was a giant blood-scaled dragon, which was staring back at me.

How long has that thing been there!?

When its big yellow dragon eyes slowly blinked, I jumped up to my feet only to stumble back and nearly trip when the dragon raised its head, continuing to stare at me.

I froze, staring back at the beast in-front of me. That stayed that way for a long time before the dragon huffed, smoke coming out of its nose and it leaned closer to me.

That's when I squealed and booked it out of there. I ran as fast as my little legs could take me, darting over to the trees and into the forest. I didn't hear the dragon make any effort to chase after me so I'm in the clear. For now.

So much for not running like a lunatic.


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