Chapter 8

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Queen Emme's pov

A knock came from the door. "Your majesty, I have the reports you asked for."

"Come in." I said without looking up and continuing with the paperwork in-front of me. Jackson walked in, a stack of papers in his hands. I groaned, being the ruler of a kingdom was such a pain. I wasn't even supposed to rule.

"Thank you, Jackson. Just leave them there." I pointed to the corner of the desk, the only place where it was empty. "You looked tired, your majesty. Why don't you take a brake?"

I sighed, ever since I inhabited the throne, I had to deal with mountains of paperwork nearly every day. There was no time to rest, my people need me. "I will rest when I get the majority of this paperwork done."

"Your mates will disagree." I paused, thinking about my four mates before going back to my work. "My mates have their own people to think about. They're busy, the same as I. I'm sure they're doing the exact same thing as me right now."

It's been a while since I seen my mates. I believe it's been a week...or...has it been two? I can't remember-There's no time for this! "You may leave, Jackson."

Jackson stayed silent, standing there for a moment before sighing and turning around to leave. By now, he knows that I am very stubborn when it comes to doing my duties.

The second I heard the door close behind him, I stopped. Putting down my pen and stretching my sore, aching muscles.

Jackson has been my most trusted advisor and friend ever since I took the throne eight-years-ago. He was also my father's best friend. He was so close to us that my siblings and I used to call him uncle.

He took the best care of us while my father ruled and my mother was too busy with other things to pay attention to us. But that changed when the war started.

That doesn't matter now. It's all in the past. I should get back to work.

Another knock came from the door. I glanced up, "Come in." The door opened and in come walking in was the weretiger queen, my mate, Taylor.

"Hey, love." She smiled, coming over next to me. Leaning down to see what I was writing. "What y'all doing, doll face?"

"I'm responding to an urgent request. It seems that some trouble is brewing between two packs in the East. Just a dispute over some land."

"Hmm, that sounds important but I think you need some rest." I sighed again. "Did Jackson sent you here?"

"Nope." She grinned, leaning closer to me. "I came here on my own free will. And it seems that you do need some rest. You look like hell."

"I can't. I still have a lot of paperwork to finish by in two months time." In the corner of my eye, I saw Taylor grinned widened. Oh shit-"Taylor! Unhand me!"

Taylor, without giving me a moment to think, grabbed my small form and threw me over her shoulder and began walking out the room. "Put me down! I demand to be put down!"

I hit the back of Taylor's back, trying to free myself as we walked through the halls of the castle. The guards and maids gave us a quick peek before going back to whatever they were doing.

My face heat up, feeling, Moonlight, my wolf wag her tail as I felt the sparks of the Queen of WereTigers touch gave us. Moonlight started happily whining and purring, jumping around and trying to take control but I gently pushed her away. Now's not the time. She disagrees.

Seeing as my mates and I are always busy with work, we do not really get the time to get physical or emotional with one another. Even though there's five of us, there's still an empty feeling. Like something else is still missing.

Walking into our chambers, Taylor softly toss me onto the bed. Gaining my composure, I looked up to see Taylor sitting on the bed and began taking off my work clothes and helped me with my sleepwear. "It is late. You have been up for the past three days, Jackson told us."

I blushed deepened as Taylor finished and stated crawling up to me. Pulling the blanket over us as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her. Taking in a deep breath, I took in her heavenly scent that smelled like coffee and jerky.

"What are you laughing at?" I nuzzled closer to her, closing my eyes. "Nothing." I mumbled, feeling a wave of tiredness wash over me.

Through my sleepiness, my heard a soft chuckle and a pair of lips kissing my forehead. And within seconds, I was out like a light.


It's dark. Looking around, I realize that I was in a cave. Sitting up, I looked down to see two blond paws. I was in my wolf form for some odd reason.

Feeling a large body next to me, I turned to the right to see Taylor in her Tiger form. Her fur was a wooden brown and she was twice as bigger than me.

She was also kind of on top of me so when I scents a presents outside, I had to wiggle myself free to check. It took a little while to free myself but when I did, I did a little stretch before strolling over to the entrance of the cave.

Letting out a small yawn as I shook myself more awake, I looked around but didn't see anything after a minute. I tilted my head confused, I know someone is out here but even with my heighten senses, I can't find them. Must be the drowsiness.

Hearing some noise behind me, I looked to see Taylor wide awake and coming over to me. She stoped beside me and bent down to lick my head with her rough tongue. I closed my eyes in contentment, enjoying the attention she was giving me.

The snapping of a twig snapped me out of La La Land. Turning our attention away, I saw a small girl with beautiful silver hair and lovely blue eyes that were wide and full of shock and fear, she kneeled beside a tree. Seeing her took my breath away but I hated that she looked at us with fear.

When our eyes meet, I knew she was ours. My wolf was going crazy over having another mate. I know Taylor's tiger was going through the same thing.

Nobody moved until I decided to take the first step. That's when our mate snapped out of it and started running away. And we followed.

Our little mate was extremely fast for being short, but not fast enough. I grinned, deciding on playing with her a little. I slowed down, still chasing her as Taylor took a different route.

I chased her for a couple of minutes before slowly getting closer, ready to pin her down but when I took the jump to catch her, she suddenly made a right.

My eyes widened as I flew past her and into some bushes. Not only is our mate extremely beautiful and fast, she's smart too. I huffed, getting back on my feet and ridding myself of the leaves in my fur.

Turning my head, I saw Taylor already having our little mate pinned down. Walking over to them, my tail wagging and happiness feeling me up, Taylor stared down the girl before licked her lips.

When I got closer, Taylor let out a small growl. That's when the girl disappeared, the same with everything else after a moment.


Opening my eyes, I slowly sat up. A soft smile on my lips as I placed a hand over my chest. We have another mate. Feeling Taylor also sit up, I turned to her.

She had a giant grin with a small twinkle in her eyes. She was shaking in excitement before throwing her fists up and saying, "We have another mate!" I laughed. We found our missing piece.


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