Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

"I'm so bored." Alex stated, staring up at the ceiling whilst she was in a star position on her giant bed.

Max turned to look at her, tilting back in her chair with the help of her boots pushing her with the table before looking over at Harper who sat across from her, surprisingly reading a book.

"You have been cooped up in this castle for a while." Harper said, not looking up as she turned a page. "It won't hurt to take you to the nearby town. Wolves do need to stretch their legs."

Alex shot up from the bed, a small twinkle in her eyes as she stared at the demon with a huge smile. "Really? You're the best!"

The small omega quickly rushed to grab a change of close from her bag and ran to the bathroom to change. Yes the clothes were Nini's since Alex didn't have her own but she wasn't complaining. After all, she liked using Nini's clothes since they were so much better then hers.

Slipping off her pjs and leaving them on the bathroom floor, Alex put on a white skirt with a white button up shirt, which was bland.

Not that Alex mind that either, she prefer white clothes then anything else. Sure they get dirty very easily but that's besides the point.

Looking in the mirror and fixing her sailor hat so the perfectly hid her wolf ears, Alex darted out the bathroom just to see her two friends still sitting where she just left them causing her to pout. "Why aren't you guys up yet?"

She asked, tilted her head. Max smiled at her, "You were gone for only two minutes. Plus, don't you wanna fix that rats nest of yours?"

Alex's pouted even more with her cheeks puffed up, her hands behind her back as she looked away from the brunette, swaying back and forth to her toes and back onto her heel.

"It looked fine to me." Alex mumbled, making Max laugh as she shook her head. "Let's get that hair under control, then we can head out into town."

Still pouting and not looking her way, Alex angrily mumbled under her breath and headed back into the bathroom to retrieve a brush.

Harper shut her book and set it on the table, Max watching her with her boots still on said table. "I'll inform my sister of our departure. Won't take long." Harper claimed, standing up and grabbing her mate's boots and shoving them off the table.

Without saying another word, Harper walked out of the room. Quietly shutting the door behind her,  she took out her phone and called her sister.

After a few rings, Jordan picked up. "Yes?" Her voice sounded groggy, like she just woke up. "Hey, do you know where's Eli? I need to ask her something." At the other end, Harper heard an annoyed groan. " the dungeons trying to get information."

"Thanks." Harper hanged up, thrusting her phone into her pocket and began the journey to the castle's dungeons.

She walked past maids who were wandering about, making sure the castle was kept clean at all times. Guards in full body armor from head to toe, a spear in one hand with a shield in the others. Their steps loud and in rhythm.

Strolling past a hallway of windows, the sunlight shined on Harper but it didn't do much to her pale, icy skin.

Passing by the last of the windows and turning a corner, Harper's eyes began to glow red as she approached the dungeon's door that were guarded by two soldiers, who opened the door when she was a few feet away and locked the door behind her.

The long stairway was no difficult for the demon as it took a mere few minutes to go down them. Taking the last step, Harper wandered through the dungeons halls, ignoring the cries of help and arms reaching for her until she found who she was searching for.

A guard unlocked the cell door for her and allowed her inside. Harper sauntered in, her expression empty as she witness her eldest sister torture a sinner once again for a moment. "This is a surprise."

Eli smiled, taking a step back from her art work and examined it. A blade she was holding tapped against her lips, blood tricked down the blade and onto the side of her hand. "You never visit me willingly. Do you need something?"

"Alex wishes to go to the nearby town. She's been cooped up in the castle for weeks now and wants fresh air." Harper yawned, reaching up to rub her eyes. Her sister's smile grew.

"Our little wolf wants to leave?" Eli asked. "I'll allow it." Harper bowed. "Thank you sister."

"Take my black card and get that girl everything she wants, I don't care how expensive. I'll also be notified my other loves so they don't panic about her sudden disappearance." Eli turned to Harper, an evil glint in her eyes. "Have fun and make sure none of those disgusting vermin touch my precious darling."

"Yes, your majesty."

"OW!" Alex cried, tears in her eyes as she sat in-front of Max, on the floor, who was trying to untangle her soft, silver hair. "Be more gentle."

Max frowned. "This IS me being gentle." She brushed Alex's hair again only for the brush to get stuck midway which made her accidentally pull Alex's hair harshly. Again. "OW! That's it!"

Alex began trying to get away from her friends grasp only to fail when Max wrapped her arms around Alex's waist to keep her in place. "We're not finish yet! Your hair is still a tattered mess!"

"I don't care! Unhand me, woman!" Alex yelled, pushing herself away from Max's face. "Not until we fix this hair of yours!"


The chamber door opened and Harper walked into, tilting her head in confusion upon seeing the two wolves rough housed with each other. "What's going on?"

"This brat won't let me do her hair!" Max cried out, keeping her eyes on the omega who was squirming in her arms, kicking her feet like crazy. "That's because you're too rough!" Alex responded. "Harper! Get her off of me!"

Harper sighed, walking over to the duo and quickly separated them. "Enough, I'll do Alex's hair in the car. The town may be close but it would still take an hour to get there."

Finally out of Max's grasp, Alex smiled and instantly darted out of the room. "Freedom!" Harper sighed again, turning to her mate and tossing her over her shoulder.

Max blushed, hitting Harper's back while loudly telling the demon to put her down. She was ignored as the Sin of Sloth left the room, closing the door behind her. Next stop, Golden Dawn.

Watching the trio leave the castle and enter a limo, Emma turned back to her mate who was holding her close. Her back against the tiger's chest as Taylor placed her chin on Emma's shoulder.

"It wouldn't hurt to follow them." Emma looked back, seeing the limo start driving away before nodding her head. "Yes. There's this new restaurant in town that I wanted to try for a while now. It'll be nice to take our little omega there."

Taylor grinned, licking her lips as she pulled the werewolf queen closer. "I could eat."


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