Chapter 43

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Alex's POV

After a while of watching Eli paint, I got bored.
I'm not the type of person that can sit in one place  for too long so I got myself out of Eli's grasp, say my goodbyes, and left.

I've already meet three of my fives mates so far. Star left this morning for a meeting for an elder dragon council and should be back either tonight or tomorrow.

That only leaves Taylor and she's, of course, training her warriors in her domain. I don't know why she always likes to train her warriors so much, she just does.

Maybe it's because of the war. She might be worried about another one coming, and I don't blame her. The war took many lives and because we're still recovering, the five kingdoms will be an easy target to attack and destroy.

Plus, you can't forget the part where some people still want revenge for their love ones or their kingdom. Goddess, how draining the war was.

Since I wasn't really part of the war or affected by it, I don't really know how hard life became after orcs randomly started to attack us all those years ago.

Orcs are giant, green brutes that caused trouble but normally stayed in their own territory. They never bothered us werewolves before until they killed a pack of two hundred. There were no survivors. And just like that, we were at war.

The orcs teamed up with the trolls and other species while we were alone for a a few years until Emma was sent off to gather some alliances, which were our other four mates. What a weird coincidence.

Seeing the clearing up head and hearing Taylor's warriors training, I sighed in relief. My feet started to hurt mid walk here, I need new shoes. These ones are broken.

Just as I stepped out of the tree line, I saw the weretiger going at it. But, looking around, I didn't spot the brown hair tiger that was my mate.

Making sure my hat was hiding my ears, I cautiously went over to one of the female warriors that was off to the side, watching.

"Excuse me." She turned to look at me. "I was wondering where Taylor is." She gave me a small smile. "Oh, you're her little mate right?" My blush darkened. Goddess how I hate talking to new people. "She's inside."

Silently nodded my head, I mumble a thanks and turned to face Taylor's castle. I never entered it before. Taylor was always outside so there was no point on going inside.

To be honest, I'm kind of nervous. I just really don't wanna be attacked by any tigers that don't know who I am. They'll rip be to shreds in seconds.

Entering the castle, I looked up and down the stone hallway. It was empty. Hesitantly, I shut the door behind me and began following the mating bond to where Taylor was.

Despite all the warriors that were training outside, there was no one inside and it's kind of making me more nervous.

Actually, I have a bad feeling. It's like... something's wrong. I better hurry.

Quickening my pace, taking turns and going down a flight of stairs, I found myself standing in-front of a heavy, wooden door. Taylor was inside. I could feel it.

Breathing heavily, I placed my hand on the doorknob and tried to hold it. But it was too heavy, so I have to use my entire body to push it open.

The door only opened a little bit, just enough where I can squeeze my body through. The room was dark. The only light was coming from the hallway and a small window.

I whimpered. "Taylor? Taylor I know you're in here." The door behind me slammed closed, causing me to flinch. I turned to look at it, trying to open it back up only to fail.

Hearing something moving around behind me, I turned to see a figure standing off to the side behind some crates, watching me. "Taylor?"

Suddenly, the figure was standing right in front of me, slamming their hand beside my head. Staring down at my shaking form. My eyes widened as I froze in place.

"You shouldn't be here, little 'mega." Hearing Taylor's voice, I relaxed. "I wanted to see you." She leaned her head down closer to me, making eye contact. "You shouldn't be here."

Seeing the pain in her eyes, I grew worried. What aren't my mates telling me. "Taylor...what's wrong?" She didn't say anything, only staring down at me while breathing heavily. Sweat running down her face. And when I look closer, she was trembling. "It's nothing-"

"Please don't." I begged, feeling already overwhelmed after seeing Emma hurt and feeling slightly betrayed that no one told me about their conditions. "Tell me what's wrong."

Taylor didn't say anything for a while as I held eye contact. When she finally relented, she sighed, turning away from me and going over to one of the crates, taking a seat. "Do you know the reason why I was sent to the rear during the war?"

"Yes, it said that you were cursed by a witch." I walked up to Taylor and stood in-front of her, my eyes not moving away from her. "Do you know what the curse was?" I shook my head.

She smiled, a sadness it her eyes that made me miserable just to see. "Pain. Ever lasting agonizing pain that come and go whenever. It was really bad that it affected the way I fought. Gods, how I hate it."

I never seen Taylor like this. She was never one to really open up and show others her vulnerable side.

Taylor's eyes suddenly widened and she gripped her chest, hunching forward as she groaned in pain. Without even thinking, I wrapped my arms around her head and used my omega ability.

Omega can release some type of pheromone in the air that makes people relax when they were in pain or were very angry. It's really useful that I don't like to talk about.

I felt Taylor relax. Her body loosened up and she leaned forward into my embrace, tucking her face in my neck. Soon, she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me up to her lap. I ignored the blush as I straddled her.

If any one walked in right now, they would think that we were doing something inappropriate but I don't care. My mate is in pain and I will do anything to easy it.


Author: This was rushed since I wasn't planning on updating today.

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