Meeting him

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"Told ya!" Makarov cheerfully shouted out.

"W-what?" Natsu said.

"I said I'm the celestial dragon slayer." Lucy said.

"Prove it." Natsu shouted.

"Get ready to dig a grave." Makarov told the guild.

"Fine, but your going to regret saying that." Lucy tells him.

"Ha! Like I will." Natsu says, Lucy shrugged her shoulders.

"CELESTIAL DRAGON ROAR!!!" Lucy shouted and a beam of gold light came out her mouth and went straight for Natsu.

He was so surprised he didn't move and it hit him, he was sent flying all the way to the opposite side of Magnolia.

"Oops that was to much magical energy." Lucy said as she sat on the floor and stared to think.

While she was thinking everyone else was standing there shocked that she made Natsu fly all the way to the opposite side of Magnolia. When someone was going to say something she disappeared, the reappeared with Natsu.

"Hmm....where's Wendy the sky dragon slayer?" She asked as she looked at the unconscious Natsu on the floor.

"Thats me." A little girl with blue hair in ponytails spoke up.

"Oh! Good can you heal the pink idiot?" Lucy asked and Wendy nodded.

Once Wendy healed Natsu, Lucy ran into the guild and hide behind the bar. She sat there until a girl with long, white hair and wearing a red dress came behind the bar and smiled at her. Lucy put her finger up to her lips and the girl nodded her hard and started to clean a glass.

"Hey Mira have you seen the new girl?" Someone asked.

"I'm sorry Natsu, but no. Can I ask why?" She replied.

Natsu explained what had happened and she was shocked that he lost to Lucy. She was going to say something until the doors slammed open and stood there was four people.

"Oh! Hey Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow and Laxus. You just missed Natsu getting his but kicked by the new girl." Someone shouted out.

"DID NOT!!" Natsu protested.

"You so did. I kicked you sorry ass to the other side of Magnolia." Lucy said as she jumped over his head and started to run.

"OI!! GET BACK HERE I WANT A REMATCH!!" Natsu shouted out to her.

"No can do." She said as she was about to go into something, but stopped.

She turned around to see a male with blonde hair and green eyes. She looked at him in the eyes and looked at everyone else who was tense because she could feel it in the air.

"Oh, so your Laxus Dreyar grandson of Master Makarov and the lightning dragon slayer, leader of the thunder god tribe. Hmm interesting." Lucy says as she walks behind him to the other members at stands in front of the brown haired lady.

"What?" She says.

"My, my that's not how you speak to someone Evergreen queen of the fairies." Lucy tells her and moves on to the next person with a mask.

He looked at her full of wonder even though no one could tell.

"Bickslow a soul mage and I'm glad you find me fascinating." She said to him and then moved on to the last person with green hair.

"How can I help you princess Lucy?" He asked her.

"Oh don't worry Freed Justine you can just call me Lucy." She told him and he nodded.

"If you know us, can you please tell us who you are?" Laxus asked her.

" Oh! Yes, I apologise, I didn't introduced myself. I'm Lucy Filia, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says with a sweet smile.

"I do you want to sit with us?" Laxus asked.

"Sure, but first I need to ask gramps something." Lucy told him, he nodded and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"What is it my child you need to ask me?" Makarov asked.

"What wizard class am I?" She asked him and he smirked.

"If you can beat Erza then you can be S-class." He told her.

"Alright lets go do this." She says as she walks out the guild.

"Thats okay with you Erza?" Makarov asked her.

"WHAT I HAVE TO GO AGAINST LUCY !?!" She shouted and he nodded. "Fine let's go." She said as she walked out the guild.

Laxus was amazed that Lucy got Erza to shout so he followed everyone out to where they would be fighting. He was surprised to see Lucy sitting on the floor.

"Alright ready?" Makarov asked, Erza nodded her head as Lucy stood up and nodded. "!!!" Makarov shouted.

Lucy didn't move as well as Erza and everyone was confused. Someone was going to say something, but Lucy shouted something.

"CELESTIAL DRAGON ROAR!!" She shouted and Erza was sent flying. Lucy ran and jumped in the sky, otherwise she would have went into a building and destroyed it and Erza would have been in hospital.

When she came back Erza was in her arms, unconscious from the attack. Lucy was going to say something, but Wendy was already by her side healing Erza. Lucy looked at Makarov.

"I now announce Lucy Filia as a S-class wizard. Well done my child now. LET'S PARTY TO CELEBRATE." Makarov said and shouted.

Everyone cheered in agreement and went in, apart from Lucy who was waiting for Wendy to finish healing Erza and Laxus who wanted to speak to Lucy.

Once Wendy had finished she went into the guild and Lucy helped Erza stand up, then she went in like nothing happened. Lucy was about to go in, but Laxus caught a hold of her arm and she looked at him.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I want you to consider joining my team." He told her and she nodded her head.

Lucy walked into the guild first and went to talk to Mira, then Laxus walked in and went to his team on the second floor.

When he got there his team asked if she said yes and he said she was going to think about it, while at the same time with Lucy and Mira.

"Mira do you know anywhere I could stay?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, you could stay at fairy hills." She told her.

"Okay thanks bye." Lucy shouted as she ran out the guild.

"BYE!!" Mira shouted after her.

Everyone talked for a while then went home or wherever they are staying.

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