The Mission

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Laxus went though the window with Lucy to far behind him, he looked behind him to see Lucy about to fall. He catches her just in time and she smiles at him slightly. They then carry on with searching the manner, but they couldn't find the book they needed, until they came to a room that looked like a library and an office. They started to search the room, while Lucy was searching on the leaders Laxus was searching on the bottom part of the seavels. The door burst open and there stood two man from the south wolves a mercenary guild.

"We are the vanish brothers and we are here to dispose of you, orders from Duke Everlue." They said in unison.

"Lucy jump." Laxus told Lucy as he held out his arms.

Lucy nodded her head and jumped closeing her eyes as Laxus caught her, then put her on her feet. Lucy saw the book in the corner of her eye and grabbed it, she was surprised to see it was by Kemu Zaleon. Before she could say anything a hole appeared in front of the vanish brothers. It was Duke Evelue and he looked pissed.

"What are you doing in my manner and what have you got behind your back ugly?" Everlue asked the questions.

"Oh this? I will be taking this with me." Lucy says then opened it, her eyes widen in surprised and she got a key out.

"Who said?" Everlue says as he moves his hand forward.

"OPEN GATE OF THE DEMON BROTHERS, RAIKOU, HEKERIKI!!!!" Lucy shouted after getting a key out, then a black flash of light appeared.

When the light vanished Lucy was gone out of Everlue's sight, but she was hiding behind Laxus. Lucy had already told the brothers what to do.

"Keep them busy." Lucy had told Laxus and he nodded.

He then stood next to the other two men and started to fight with them. Lucy got out the glass Levy got her for a welcome present and put them on. She looked though the book and was amazed at what was in it. While she did that the two demons were taking on Duke Everlue and Laxus was against the vanish brother. they had done there combination attack but Laxus wasn't affected one bit, he stood there like nothing was happening.

"Laxus~~" Lucy sang in a sing song voice, but in was laced with annoyance.

"Yes Lucy?" He asked her.

"You can finish them now along with you two." Lucy told them with a smile.

They nodded and finished them off by knocking them out. They looked at Lucy who was talking to the pink haired gorilla maid and Lucy had taken her celestial key. Lucy looked at them and smiled then the demon brothers disappeared, and Lucy walked off to the employer with Laxus following her.

As they walked Laxus was staring at Lucy's bum and not paying attention to where he was going and walked into a pole, then fell over. Lucy turned around to see what it was and when she saw Laxus on the floor she burst out laughing, while he stares at her. Once she stopped laughing she helped him up and carried on walking.

When they got to the mansion Laxus knocked the door and a woman with brown hair opened the door confused. Once they had explained what they were doing there she let them in, faced their employer and explained to him as well. Lucy handed him the book daybreak.

"I know you wanted it to be destroyed but I thought you would have wanted to do it." Lucy explained as she smirked.

He was about to burn it until Lucy spoke up again.

"But your father was a wizard before just a novelist. He was Zekua Melon." Lucy paused the book started to glow. "In that book is everything your father never got to tell you. He put a spell on it so no one could read it properly until you had read it." She finished as the book landed in his hands.

"Thank you, thank you I will never let harm to come to this book." He told her.

"That's good but it's time for use to go home, and you too Kaby." Lucy said as she jumped on Laxus's back.

"Please let us do something for you." He and his wife said in unison.

Lucy and Laxus just shook there heads, then Laxus walked out while Lucy fell asleep on his shoulder. Once at the train station Laxus woke Lucy up and everything happened the same as they had went there.

When at the guild Laxus saw that Lucy was right and the guild still wasn't back from where the games was being held. Lucy looked at Laxus and smiled, he looked at her and gave her a small smile. His heart was beating rapidly, what he didn't know was that Lucy's was as well and it was all because of him.

They just sat at there table talking until they heard the guild door open and everyone walked in. They went to there tables as Lucy watched them from Laxus's shoulder as he stood by the rails watching them.

"They look...lost." Lucy said as she looked everywhere for an gold bodied exceed with sliver wings, but she couldn't see her.

"Hey Blondie what's the matter?" Laxus asked her looking at her.

"It's Joy I can't see her anywhere." Lucy said as she carried on looking.

Laxus looks around the guild, then points to where Gajeel and Pantherlily were. Lucy looked at saw Joy, she then relaxes and fell off of Laxus's shoulder. Just when she was going to hit the floor Laxus caught her in his arms.

"You alright Lucy?" Laxus asked her and she nodded her head. "Good I don't want to see you get hurt." Laxus told her and he blush once he realized what he had said.

He looked away before he could see her reaction. What he miss was her face turning bright red just like a tomato. When he looked at her again her face was still a shade of red. Laxus helped her stand up straight then sat back in his set with Lucy sitting on his lap looking at everyone.


I watched Lucy and Laxus on the second floor and they looked adorable together. I know what my next mission was, mission LaLu. As I watched then I heard someone calling me.

"Hey Mira can I get a beer?" Cana asked me, then I nodded and gave her one.

Normal PoV

Everyone was minding there own business until Levy shouted that one of the missions were missing, then everyone looked to where Laxus and Lucy was sitting. Lucy had fallen asleep in Laxus's lap and he looked at them and nodded his head, then everyone collapsed. je then took Lucy back to Fairy Hills then went to his house and went to bed.

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