The Attack

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Normal PoV

Once the lightning Maga was in front of the blonde haired girl, he hugged her like there was no tomorrow. She hugged him back straight away, when he pulled back he kissed her passionately for one minute. He then helped her to where the others where and she sat down, but as soon as she sat down she was tackled in a massive group, well guild, family hug.

She hugged then back ignoring the pain she felt in her legs. Three people notice, one was master then Porlysica and the first was Laxus but they didn't dare say anything because they known Lucy wanted a hug from everyone. When everyone let go they all realised what they did and said sorry.

"It's alright I wanted a hug from everyone after being asleep for a week." She told them while smiling at them.

They were surprised when she said that and looked at Porlysica and Wendy to see if it was true, both of them nodded their heads. After that everything went back to normal apart from the fact that Lucy couldn't walk unless she had help from someone. She couldn't go on any missions because of it, but she didn't mind, because something big was coming and she wanted to be ready for it. She told master and she thought he didn't believe her, but he known if she could feel it then something was.

Master sent Lucy to Porlysica's to let Porlysica help her walk on her own again because master known Lucy will want to fight and she will have to fight. He also known it would take two weeks so he left her be. Mamour went back to that world because both master and Lucy thought it would be safe.

Two weeks later.

Everyone was in the guild minding there own business when they felt the ground moving. They went out the back to see what it was and came face to face with the Raven Lords guild hall. Master Makarov known what was coming and he wished Lucy was here a little.

"Joy you known when Lucy comes she going to use that magic?" Makarov asked her.

"Yeah I know and I'm glad she will because this is a guild she would do anything for." She explained to him.

As soon as she finished her senescent a cannon like thing come from the walking guild hall. Everyone looked at each other.

"Good evening fairy tail." A man started to speak.

"Jose Porla one of the wizards saints." Makarov said in a anger filled voice.

"Please let us have miss Lucy Vermillion Filia Heart and I will not set the Jupiter cannon on your guild, Makarov." Jose said/told him.

"I can't do that because she is not her and if she was I wouldn't give her to you either way." Makarov told him.

"I the Jupiter cannon." Jose said and the magic started to form at the bottom of the cannon.

"GET BACK!!" Someone with red hair shouted as she stood in front of everyone. "Adamantine armour." She said as the cannon fired.

"ERZA!!" Everyone shouted as she put the two parts of her shield together.

Once the magic hit the shield she was fighting against it to, but her feet were going backwards. When the shot had vanished she was sent backwards and passed out. Mira took her into the guild and treated her wounds she had got. Makarov got a magic letter saying Lucy was coming and she was going to use that magic. Everyone started to fight against this phantom things that come back once they disappear. Mira felt useless so she changed her face to look like Lucy and did...

"I'm here so stop attacking the guild." She told Jose.

After she had finished speaking a giant hand had graded her and the guild change to a giant. She was being squeezed in the Giants hand. Elfman jumped onto the giant and came face to face with Sol one of the element three. Just as they were beginning to fight the Jupiter cannon went off again.

"Good bye Fairy Tail." Jose said.

Lucy PoV

I was running to the guild and a ball of energy was being fired.

"Oh Angels above you are the protecters of the innocent. You are the light of the world, you are my sisters. I call you forth..."

Makarov PoV

"ANGELS PROTECTION!!" I heard someone shout and when I looked towards the edge of the port I saw Lucy standing there.

She had said Angels Protection and once she did a pure white dome of light appeared around us. All the phantom things disappeared and the Jupiter cannon was deflected up, then disappeared. I was completely shocked at seeing that. I know Angels Protection was powerful but not that powerful.

"I see the real Lucy Vermillion Filia Heart is here." Jose said after the dome of light went and the cannon was no more.

Lucy looked confused until she saw Elfman fighting against Sol and Mira in the Giants hand. When she saw Mira she lost it, I could feel the magic energy coming off her. It was more magic then the wizards saints had. I was going to stop her but I know she wasn't going to listen since her guild mates are in trouble just because she is the Angel Princess.


At once myself and everyone that I called ran and jumped into the giant. When we were in we all spilt up, but me and Lucy were together searching for Jose.

Normal PoV

Once everyone was separated they all began to look for the people behind this, they didn't know five people were going for the guild hall. But they known if someone did then everyone there would protect the guild because it's were the members do so much together. It's were they hang out, it's what they call home, it's were they meet new people, have an adventure and if they are lucky fall in love.

The guild is where they belong even if someone says they don't, they known they do because they have everyone there that cares for them and that would do anything for there family. They know that Fairy Tail is a real guild that isn't all about power, it's about the power as a guild. There magic is not just for fighting, they use it to protect each other.

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