What's Wrong?

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Makarov PoV

Everyone was frozen when Laxus stood at the guild doors with Lucy in his arms with blood dripping from where his hand was. I looked like I was frozen too, but I spoke up.

"Laxus get her to the infirmary put her on the bed that has the things we need next to it. Wendy go and look at her, Jet go tell Bisca to hurry and bring Porlysica, tell her it's ergent. The rest of you stay her and wait for her." I told everyone what to do.

Everyone broke out there trance and did what they were told to do. Jet was out the door before anyone could see him and he was faster then anyone had since before. Laxus used his lightning magic to get Lucy in the infirmary in a flash. Wendy used her wind sky dragon slayer magic to get to the infirmary in a flash just like Laxus.

I waited in front of the guild until Porlysica came, but while I was waiting I heard a scream from someone in the guild. I ran straight in the guild to see a man with cat ears (the one in the media).  I saw him trying to get into the infirmary were Lucy was being treated with Laxus at her side because he wouldn't leave her.

"What are you doing here cat?" I asked the boy and he turned around to face me and he smirked.

"Two things I'm not a fully cat, I'm a neko which is half cat, half haman." He tells us and I don't believe him.

"H-how? The neko are no longer on earth land they all died out. You can only get people that have had lacrima put in the body." I tell him.

"Well old man you information is incorrect, did you heard of the magic ruin knights finding them when they  'disappeared'?" He asked air qouting disappeared.

I looked at him confused and trying to get what he is saying but I don't. Everyone in the guild was like that, confused and trying to get it but couldn't. I was about to say something but Freed walked through the guild doors and stared at the neko.

"What are you doing here Mamoru?" Freed asked him and he wasn't shocked to see him.

"HUH!?! LORD FREED!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?" The neko shouted as he ran up to Freed.

"I'm part of the guild because of that trial, but what are you doing here Mamoru?" Freed asked him again while everyone just stood there shocked and staring at them.

"Ohhh, that. Well you see she sent me because she could feel something was about to happen and that's why Princess Lucy sent the girls back there." Mamoru explained to Freed.

"So that's why Princess has been acting strangely lately." Freed mumbles to himself but I just about got what he said.

"Freed what do you mean by Lucy acting different?" I asked him trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Hmm, well she has been acting different when she sits with us at the table and she started to walk on her own to the guild. She isn't the person that likes to be on there own, she likes to be with someone. She started to send Joy with Laxus and they are inseparable." Freed explained to me.

I was completely shocked at hearing this and so was everyone else. We all were just frozen in our places where we stood or sat. We were so shocked we didn't even notice Joy come in to the guild.

"What's going on here?" A very worried lightning mage spoke.

I looked behind me to see Laxus standing there more worried then I have ever seen him before in his entire life. He sat down and waited for someone to say something. I know he would flip if someone saw a difference and they didn't tell him, so I didn't say anything.

"Freed saw Lucy acting different after she sent the five little girls back." A pink haired idiot told him and I was mentally slapping him.

"So you saw the difference too Freed?" Laxus asked him and I was completely shocked about what he just said.

"Yeah but I shocked that you saw a difference in her even though you haven't known her for that long." Freed explained to him, he just laughed.

"There something your forgetting Freed." Laxus told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked him.

"Well we're on the same team, she lives in my house and we are going out." Laxus explained to Freed, he nodded understanding him.

"Before you carry on arguing, Laxus why are you here and not in there with Lucy?" I asked and his face turns from a kind of happy one to a depressed one.

"Porlysica is in there treating her, she came when you was talking to Mamoru the neko over there." Laxus explained to me and I nodded.

"Laxus how did Princess Lucy look?" Freed and Mamoru asked him in unison.

"Wendy said her upper half is completely fine but...." He tries off.

"W-what about her bottom half?" Mira spoke up obavicely scared in what he was going to say.

"....She has two massive cuts going from underneath her bum checks to her ankles." He says in a whisper and I couldn't here him, but when I looked at Natsu he looked horrified, Natsu saw me looking and nodded his head but nevering taking the look of his face.

"He said 'she has two massive cuts going from underneath her bum checks to her ankles'." He told us what Laxus had said and everyone had the same look Natsu had.

Everyone was quite after that not saying a single word. No one drake any beer only water, no one was fighting with each other, everyone was just sitting there doing absolutely nothing it was as if everyone had died or there was no one around for us to talk to.

The infirmary door opened and an exhausted Wendy came out the door closed it and just stood there. She was about to fall forward but I caught her in my hand which I made go big. Mira then picked her up and laid her down on one of the benchs with her head in her lap.

Normal PoV

One week later.

It's been a week since Lucy was in the infirmary and Porlysica hasn't come out of the infirmary room, but when she did it was only to get something to eat or to go toilet. Sometimes she would get Wendy for help, but that day she didn't and everyone was getting worried. While they were just sitting there waiting completely worried, they didn't notice the infirmary door opened until...

"Hey guys what's wrong with you? Your being too quiet." A voice they haven't heard in a week said.

They all looked towards the infirmary door and saw a blonde hair female with brown eyes that had a hint of gold in them standing there with the help of Porlysica. Everyone was frozen in there place apart for one lightning mage who was slowly walking to her.

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