Back at the guild

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Normal PoV

After they announced that fairy tail won the games they went to the nearest bar and partied, apart from one person.

A lightning Mage noticed a blonde female missing and went outside to look for them. When he was outside he saw them sitting up in a tree staring up at the stars that were out. The female didn't notice him because she was thinking of something or someone and he sat next to her, after climbing the tree.

"Yo Blondie, what's up?" He asked the blonde as he leaned forward, but not to much to fall off and looked at her face.

"Huh? Oh, nothing much Laxus." She tells him smiling at him.

He looks at ther not believing that but doesn't say anything because it was her business not his. So he just carried on sitting next to her as they both looked up at the stars.


They hear a noise knowing what it is, but before they could move.


They were falling to the ground. Lucy peppered for impacted, but instead she felt warm arms around her. When they hit the floor Lucy heard a low groan from underneath her. She looked and saw Laxus, as soon as she did she got off him and helped him.

"Are you hurt?" Laxus asked Lucy before she could say anything.

"I'm fine, I'm more worried about you." She tells him as she grabs his head and looks for any injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm glad your alright Lucy?" Laxus tells her with a small smile.

She was shocked that he called her with her first name because he always calls her Blondie. She didn't know her face had gone slightly red from him doing that, but she did realise that her heart was racing faster and faster. Laxus's heart was doing the same thing but they didn't know that they were doing the same thing.

"W-well that's g-good.....i-i'm going to bed" Lucy says as she stands up.

"Alright sleep well, see you in the morning." He say as she walks off and he stares at her as she does.

She shouted 'you too', then disappeared from sight. He sat there thinking for awhile until he stood up and went to the inn to get some sleep as well. Not long after him the drunk guildmats went to the inn and went to bed as well.

In the morning.

No one was up apart from a blonde female, along with a blonde lightning male. They were just sitting in the lobby of the inn waiting for them to get up but it didn't seem like that was happening any time soon.

"Let's go Laxus, we can do a mission when we get back and we can be back before them." The female told.

"Fine Blondie let's go." He said as he made his way out after picking up his and her bags.

"HEY LAXUS WAIT UP!!" She shouted after him as she ran after him.

He didn't stop he just carried on walking as Lucy ran and stood next to him. They then walked to the train station, brought a ticket and got on. When they were on Laxus turned a light green, Lucy started to giggle.

"What so funny?" Laxus asked her.

She didn't say anything, just continued as she moved his head to her lap and rubbed circus on his head as he started to turn back to normal, but his cheeks were red. Not long after he fell asleep in her lap as she looked out of the window. It was like that the entire ride home, when they got back to Magnoila Lucy woke up Laxus and they went to the guild and got something to eat.

"Should we pick a S-class or a normal mission?" Lucy asked Laxus after they had finished there food.

"Let's do a normal one after the games." Laxus said as he stood up and went to the request board.

Lucy stood up and walked to stand next to him and they both looked at the request board thinking of which one to take. Lucy looked up at Laxus who just pointed at one and she looked at it.

"Ohh why that one?" Lucy wined as she took the flyer and looked up at him.

"What? He is looking for a pretty blonde hair maid and Duke Everlue is the person that we need to take the a book for his collation for the quest. Oh and your a blonde, but your not just pretty but smart as well." Laxus explained.

Lucy just stared at him for a while not saying anything and he was getting uncomfortable so he looked away from her.

"S-so?" Laxus asked nervous.

"Fine but if this back fires I will kick you were the sun doesn't shine." Lucy explained as she made her why out the guild door with Laxus trailing behind her laughing nervously.

"Hai hai." He says as they made there way to the train station once again that day.

When they got to the train they got on and set off, when they got there they set off to the Everlue mansion, but first they brought Lucy a maid outfit.

"Why do I have to wear this custom?" Lucy complained as they walked out the custom shop.

"Geez come on." Laxus said as he picked her up and carried her on his shoulders, she just leaned on his head with her arms.

They walked to the forest that was outside of the Everlue mansion and Laxus put Lucy on the floor. She didn't seem please that she had to do this but she was just doing it for extra money along with Laxus, also for fun.

"Go on the faster you do it the faster we can go home." Laxus told her.

She didn't say anything she just walked away to the front door of the mansion and knocked the door. She waited there for a minute until a big maid with pink hair came from the ground.

"Are you here for the maid requested?" The pink haired monster asked.

"Yes indeed I am." Lucy replied smiling at her.

"Master won't approve." The pink haired gorilla said, then a fat man came from the ground as well.

He started to look at her while she was smiling at her. After he had a discussed look on his face.

"Shoo shoo ugly, I only have the best and your not one of them." He said as four other monsters show up but they wasn't as fat as the pink haired one.

Lucy didn't say anything she just walked away like it was nothing. When she got back to Laxus she just sat down with a 'hump', she was pissed.

"Are you alright?" Laxus asked her.

"Time for plan B." Lucy says a little pissed.

Laxus didn't say anything he just helped her up, put her on his back, disappeared and then reappeared on the roof.

"Come on let's go." Laxus said as he had made a hole in the window.

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