Terrible News..

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Everyone quieted down to hear the message, even the Vacayers got quiet.

The person announcing spoke.

"We just got word about the Pop trolls, it's unfortunate news..the Pop trolls are nearly extinct with very few survivors, we'll read their names shortly but I'm about to tell everyone how the rest died. This story comes right from the remaining Pop trolls, be prepared. They said that a bergen had found them during a party, only a few had gotten taken but, the princess wanted to save them, so she along with one other went to save them. They had succeeded."

Everyone cheered at that but the announcer shushed them all gently and continued.

"Unfortunately the others who had been hidden had been lured out by the bergen, the survivors do not know how she lured them out, but she did. Then they had all gotten captured. The princess explained that she had honestly believed that a bergen who they had helped, would help them, but the bergen didn't help them and instead she took innocent trolls to their deaths. The survivors explained that they ran for as long as they could and eventually they had to jump off a cliff, it was explained that one of the few survivors has serious trauma, he was unintentionally slowing them down, but they refused to leave him, we have been told that should anyone encounter a grey troll to be very wary of what you say and do! Now continuing, they walked across some very hot rock, injuring their feet in the process, but they didn't care, then they found a nice little place, then a one of them broke down and another had fainted. Now, we will NOT share their location for safety reasons, but here are their names, Poppy, Cooper, Smidge, Guy Diamond, Biggie and Mr. Dinkles, Satin and Chenille, Creek, and finally..."

The brothers held their breaths and prayed.


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