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As soon as she said that, Barb knew she messed up.

She should've waited until the huddled up group left.

Because now the pink one, Poppy? Is trying to strangle her.

The one with orange hair is throwing disks at her.

The glitter one looks ready to cover her in sparkles.

The giant one looks ready to cry.

The smallest one is about to pounce on her.

The funk troll? Pop troll? Looks sad.

The twins look ready to stab her with their knitting stuff.

And the chill weirdo looks upset.

But thankfully, Riff put an end to it before she tried to fight back.

"Okay! That's enough tension in here, little dude needs a nice environment to sleep in, and all of you need rest as well, so please go back to your rooms and take a nap, okay?"

The Snack Pack looked hesitant and Riff smiled, "Hey, I know it's scary to leave the little dude and eachother, so how about we put you all in the room next to this one? Branch, that's his name, right? Needs to be with his brothers, but you guys will also be close, does that sound okay?"

It took a few quiet minutes but then Poppy nodded hesitantly, "I guess..." she mumbled.

Riff smiled, "Great! Follow me and I'll get you all set up!" He said as he walked out of the room.

The Snack Pack followed silently.

Once they were gone Barb closed the door, "Well, that was bad."

Clay nodded, "Oh yeah, you messed up big time."

Floyd nodded sleepily, still cuddled with Branch, "You should apologize."

Bruce and JD nodded as well, "Yeah, that wasn't cool, understandable, but not cool. Not right now anyway.." JD said.

Barb sighed, "I'll apologize or whatever later, I need to go find Carol, she can help me out with that, since I struggle with words..."

Bruce smiled, "No need, Floyd can help you!" He said and pointed to Floyd.

Barb raised an eyebrow, "I'm sure he could, he is or at least was, the sensitive one, right? Well anyway, he can't right now."

Bruce looked confused as Clay and JD stifled their laughter at their clueless brother, "Why not?" Bruce asked.

She pointed at Floyd, "He's asleep with the little guy." She said simply.

Bruce looked behind himself and saw the two youngest cuddled together and fast asleep, "Oh..." he looked at the other two, "You jerks!"

Clay laughed quietly at his older brother who looked slightly betrayed.

JD smirked, "I hope you know that I can ground you for forever. Call me a jerk again, I dare you."

Clay and Bruce looked at eachother and grinned, "You better unground us, or else.." Clay said.

"Or else what?" JD asked.

Bruce quickly thought of something, "Or else I'll tell everyone about that one time when you-!"

JD immediately knew what he was gonna say and his eyes widened, "No! Wait, wait! Okay, ungrounded! All of you!"

Bruce and Clay laughed at him and he sighed in relief.

Barb smiled at them, it was small but genuine, "Well I'm gonna go and get Carol, you guys be quiet but have fun, if you need anything don't be afraid to tackle a doctor." She said and left.

JD blinked, "She meant call a doctor, right?"

Bruce looked a bit worried, "I...I hope so..?"

Clay shook his head, "I don't think so, these guys are kinda...intense, you know.."

The two oldest nodded, "Yeah.."

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