Down the hall

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Riff ran down the hall, not looking where he was going.

He ended up crashing into someone and falling flat on his back.

He quickly popped back up and continued running as he yelled, "SORRY! I CAN'T STOP RIGHT NOW! IF YOU WANT OR NEED TO TALK TO ME LATER, MY NAME IS RIFF!"

The person he ran into simply sat on the floor for a few more minutes before getting up and continuing on their way.

Riff ran until he saw Branch's room, he ran for the door and tried to stop in front of it.

He slid passed the door and fell over, like he did just before he went into Satin and Chenille's room.

He rolled onto his stomach with a wince, "Okay, ow.."

He tried to catch his breath as he stood up and opened the door, still breathing heavily.

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