Queen Barb

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The brothers sat in silence for a while.

Well mostly silence, Branch did laugh and giggle at some points.

JD sucked in a deep breath and choked on air as he realized something.

They were almost extinct.

Bruce looked at him and pat him on the back, "Dude, what's wrong?"

JD gasped, "Ex-Extinct!"

Bruce and Floyd stared at him, trying to figure out what he meant.

Clay gasped, "Oh shit...you're.." Clay winced, "Oh I can't believe I'm about to say this..."

Clay looked up at Bruce, "Forgive me for this.."

Clay looked back to JD, "Y-You're right."

Bruce gasped in genuine shock as Floyd giggled.

But quickly Floyd and Bruce realized this was serious.

"Wait, what do you guys mean?" Floyd asked, grabbing Branch's hand.

Bruce walked over to Floyd and put a hand on his shoulder.

Clay bit his lip, not noticing Branch do the same, as he spoke, "Pop trolls..we're almost extinct...there's us, then the remaining survivors.."

Then Clay's eyes widened, "Wait! The Putt Putt trolls! They're pop trolls!"

Floyd tilted his head, "Putt Putt trolls?"

Bruce sat next to Floyd and Clay sat next to JD.

"Mhm! They didn't make it out of the tunnels that night, remember when I talked about Viva and those other trolls? They're the Putt Putt trolls! We have a nice little village of...I wanna say about 86 trolls!" Clay said.

JD hummed, "Not a lot but better then, what? Around 14?"

Bruce nodded, "Hey, maybe we can all live on Vacay Island? It's a nice place and I'm pretty sure they would protect us..plus that's where my wife and kids are!"

Clay and Floyd stared at Bruce with wide eyes as JD's jaw dropped.

Bruce chuckled, "I forgot to mention my kids? Damn, 13 of them and I still forget..."

"13?!" JD quietly shrieked.

Floyd laughed at JD's face but he was also shocked.

Clay was just openly staring at Bruce, "Dude. How?"

"Better question is, why?" Floyd asked.

Bruce smiled and crossed his arms, not noticing as Branch copied him, "Because I love kids!"

Floyd scowled, "But to have that many?"

Branch mimicked Floyd's scowl.

Clay laughed at them, "Floyd, that's a funny yet cute little look you got there, little bro."

Floyd huffed, "Probably a lot funnier then your shitty jokes."

Clay put his hand over his heart in mock offense, "Well someone seems sassy today, my troll."

Branch mimicked Clay's action, still unnoticed.

JD stepped between them, "Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty, lets not start a fight, hm?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow and leaned against a wall, "You're one to talk...shortie.."

JD turned to him slowly, "I know you did not just call me that."

Floyd and Clay laughed as they watched the two oldest.

Bruce stood tall, "No I did, what're you gonna do about it?"

JD crossed his arms and turned his back to Bruce, "You're grounded. And yes, I can ground you, because I'm older then you and what I say, goes."

Bruce just stared at him, "Well..if you're grounding me, then ground them too!" He pointed to Clay and Floyd.

"Not only are they laughing at me for getting in trouble, but they're also laughing because I called you a shortie!"

JD turned to them, "Grounded."

Both of them pouted as Clay whined about it being unfair.

They turned to the door when they heard someone clear their throat.

The boys all became embarrassed as they looked away from the people in the doorway.

Riff shook his head with a smirk, "No, no, keep going, don't let us stop you."

Barb chuckled at them, "Our talk can wait, I suppose, you seem to be having a...private moment..?"

Floyd huffed, "Well excuse me for getting grounded because it was funnier then Clay's stupid jokes!"

Clay narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me? I'll have you know, my jokes were hilarious, Branch laughed every time!"

Floyd deadpanned, "Branch was a baby who would laugh at pretty much everything."

Clay pouted, "Well...you laughed too!"

Floyd grinned, "It was pity laughter."

Clay gasped and dramatically fell backwards.

Bruce quickly caught him.

JD sighed, "All of you are grounded longer, Floyd, it's because you've ended Clay. Clay, it's because you did that in front of Branch and now look!" He pointed at Branch who was on the edge of his bed, beginning to fall back, then he turned to Bruce, "And you for not stopping them sooner."

Then everyone seemed to realize something.

Branch is falling backwards.

Off the bed.

Bruce dropped Clay who slid his body under Branch so if he didn't get caught then he would land on Clay.

Floyd stood behind Bruce who was about to reach for the troll.

Barb and Riff were running towards them at full speed.

JD held the real Branch as he watched the dummy he had (some how) made, quickly fall into Bruce's arms.

Branch laughed at their confused faces.

They all looked at JD who gulped and picked up Branch, "You wouldn't hit a guy with an injured person, right?"

Floyd marched over to him and took Branch who continued laughing.

JD paled, "Uh-oh.."

The rest of the people in the room tackled him.

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