Serious Talk Bruce

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Bruce sighed and held the rock tight, "Okay then.."

They let go of JD and they all waited for him to start, which he quickly did.

"Okay so at first I was thinking similarly to JD, I was worried, scared, and confused. I didn't know how I would ever escape. At first I hesitated and almost went back, but then I gathered all my courage and I made a run for it, I did make it into the forest. At that point I was full of adrenaline and I kept running and running! Eventually I made it to Vacay Island! I had accidentally bumped into a Vacayer and they turned to look at me.." His grip tightened on the rock.

Floyd noticed and rested a hand on his shoulder with a half smile.

Bruce smiled back and continued, "They turned around and my immediate thought was to run away, I thought I was about to be eaten, so I began to have a panic attack."

Clay and JD winced, they could think of a few times they had a panic attack as well.

"As I had a panic attack, the Vacayers became concerned and tried to help me, I remember one of them running off to find a Troll to help me, and they did! They brought the Troll back and they helped me through it. I broke down to the Troll, explaining what was going on at the tree and why I was so scared! They understood and brought me to meet one specific Vacayer, her name is Brandy! It's how I met her, she was helping me through it all, being gentle with me and never holding me anywhere near her face, which really eased my worries!" He said softly.

Floyd and Clay smiled with a nod as JD grinned at him.

"She made sure every Vacayer knew to be careful with me, she would never let them pick me up unless I gave permission and if I did then she made sure I was always comfortable and never too close to their mouth, she really helped me out with that.."

Floyd smiled warmly, "You've got a great woman in your life, bro."

Clay chuckled and nodded, "I agree with Floyd!"

They all looked to JD who huffed, "No one will ever be good enough for any of my little brothers. But I guess she's okay with me..."

Floyd laughed, "Is that the oldest brother protectiveness you guys would always warn me about?"

JD look a bit offended, "You guys warned him about me being too protective? I am not too protective!"

Clay and Bruce both nodded with fond smiles.

"Yeah but over time you learn he really just wants the best for you and can't express it in a great way.." Clay mumbled.

Bruce nodded, "We always thought he was bossy, but as I grew I know that I personally began to understand why he seemed bossy.."

Clay nodded as Bruce handed him the rock, "Oh man.."

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