Barb and Carol

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"CAROL I REALLY MESSED UP!" Barb screamed as she kicked down her best friends door.

Carol looked unbothered as she glanced up, "What did you do this time?"

Barb huffed and began pacing, "Well, you know how I was already pissed at the pop trolls even before they were...nearly...wiped out?"

Carol nodded.

Barb sighed, "I...I said that had they not been dead that I would've killed them front of the few survivors..."

Carol sat up a bit, "Really? Girl, that's messed up.."

Barb groaned in frustration, "I know! I need help fixing it, some help finding words for an apology, would you help me?"

Carol thought for a moment.

On one hand, it would be best for her to do it herself...

On the other hand, she would probably struggle a lot and become even more frustrated and unintentionally causing more stress and harm to the reaming pop trolls..

She sighed, "Alright, I'll help. But only if I get to see the little dude that Riff threatened to murder me over."

Barb nodded, "Deal, now! How do we start this?"

Carol raised an eyebrow, "How do you think it should be started? You've spent more time around them then I have, but keep in mind that the trauma is fresh, scars are new, tensions are maybe don't do anything they would normally like. It might freak them the hell out. But don't do anything too different either."

Barb stared at her and face palmed.

Carol sighed, "Write a letter, use a dark coloured glitter pen and maybe draw some nice little pictures on the side for them to look at? Maybe write the letter in bubble letters and colour them in with the glitter pen?"

Barb smiled, "Actually, that's a great idea! Thanks, Carol! Do you have a paper I could use and a glitter pen?"

Carol rolled her eyes and reached into her couch cushions, pulling out a nice piece of paper and a dark green glitter pen, "Here you go."

Barb took them and began writing, "You need to teach me how to do that."

Carol smirked lazily, "A magician never reveals their secrets."

Barb huffed, "That's fair, I suppose.."

She continued writing her letter, occasionally asking Carol for advice or for help.

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