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They all stared at Riff who held up his right hand, raising one finger as his left hand went into his pocket.

He panted for breath as he took out his note pad and stood up straight, "Okay, give me a moment.."

He took a deep breath and flipped to the page he was looking for, ignoring his bored doodles that he had done before this situation happened.

He looked up at Branch's older brothers and bit his lip, "You're all his big brothers, right?"

The doctor put a hand on Riff's shoulder, he could tell something bad was probably about to happen.

JD glanced at his younger brothers who were quiet as they nodded.

JD was the only one who spoke up, "Umm..yeah..?"

Riff winced, "Okay..so I went around asking if the little dude had acted like a little kid or baby at any point...and I got a yes from most everyone.."

Floyd bit his lip nervously and grabbed Branch's hand for comfort.

Clay noticed Floyd's nervous action and grabbed his other hand, "It's okay, little bro...don't worry.."

Bruce watched them and smiled comfortingly, he then looked back to Riff.

JD didn't take his eyes off of Riff, his body tense.

"They said it happened once before...once when he was...four.."

JD gasped quietly, his eyes widening at the implication, "Y-You mean.."

Bruce wrapped his arm around JD's shoulder and rubbed his arm, "Hey hey, I know this is bad, big bro..maybe you should sit down?"

JD nodded absent-mindedly and allowed Bruce to push him down, "There we go.." Bruce said quietly.

Clay had grabbed Floyd under his arms when his legs began to shake, "Floyd!"

Floyd began to mumble to himself as his eyes filled with tears, "I...left...he asked me..to stay...and I...I left him..."

Clay bit his lip and sat Floyd down, "Deep breaths, bro..deep breaths..."

Riff looked up at the doctor who pat him on the back, "Let's take a break for a few minutes, they need to think this all through, okay? Give them a minute to process, you know?"

Riff nodded, "Okay.."

Bruce and Clay looked at eachother concerned.

Their leader and sensitive one were, for now, out of commission.

As they comforted the oldest and second youngest, they also kept and eye on Branch who watched them silently with a wide smile.

After around ten minutes, both brothers had given the okay to continue.

Riff looked up to the doctor who gave him a nod.

"He was acting younger then he was double that age. Which basically means that when he was four he was like that until eight."

Floyd wiped his tears away as more fell down his face.

Clay sat next to him, completely tense.

Bruce stared at Riff, staying strong for his brothers the best he could.

JD bit his thumb, a nervous tic he'd picked up.

Branch examined JD's nervous tic and mimicked him, putting his thumb in his mouth with a giggle.

The doctor quickly took notice and gently pulled Branch's thumb out of his mouth, "Up! Bup, bup, bup, bup! No, sir!" He said.

The doctor then pulled JD's thumb out of his mouth and looked at each of the brothers, "Be very careful about what you do around him. He's in a certain mindset, and it appears he knows you're his brothers, meaning he's much more likely to mimic what you guys do, rather then mimic others."

Bruce nodded and put his hands on JD's shoulders, "We understand.."

JD nodded.

Clay and Floyd also nodded.

Riff then spoke up, "Can I continue, or..."

Floyd took a deep breath, "Continue. Please."

Riff nodded, "Okay." He said then continued, "After your grandma died, he turned grey, nobody wanted him, they bullied him, but then King Peppy adopted him, and at age eight, when he first spoke again, he had called King Peppy, 'Papa' but he was still grey. I'm sure you all already know this but, him and the few he came with are the only survivors, meaning that you guys are the last remaining pop trolls."

Bruce nodded, "So we need a safe place to stay?"

Riff nodded, "Correct, I'll also let the others share the rest of the story or anything else I missed. But I do need to let you guys know that Queen Barb should be coming around to meet you guys."

JD nodded, "Thank you.."

Riff nodded to them, then to the doctor and he left.

The doctor took a deep breath, "Do you boys wanna be alone? I can step out for a moment..but if I do that then you'll need to keep a very close eye on Branch, you need to remember his mind is more like a child's."

Clay nodded, "Got it, thank you."

Floyd bit his lip, "But yes please, step out.."

The doctor smiled at them and walked out of the room.

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