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Woohoo I might be actually able to post more bc it's winter break‼️💯 (this chapter is also related to "what lies behind. What lies ahead" wowowowow‼️‼️ I love making yall cry)

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Walking to the restaurant, Mizuki couldn't help but overthink. Im such a coward. Ena is willing to spend so much money on me, yet im still in a bad mood. What if Ena finds out whats bothering me all of this time?

She's so caring, but it's too risky. I don't want to lose her. Anyone, but her. Although, she might be mad if I don't tell her. Making silly questions like "would you still love me if I was a worm?" are getting serious at this point. I want to know the answer, but I don't want to ask.

... I could tell Ena when we get close enough, but she's going to say 'why didn't you tell sooner?' or 'did you not trust me?'.

..I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to be with Ena and that nothing comes our way...

They walk in, Ena looking nervously at Mizuki. She was staring the whole time.. Huh? And I didn't even notice. Hahaha... Oh, how worried she is about me now..

She holded the pink haired's hand silently, almost saying 'I'm here for you.'. Don't cry don't cry don't cry it's okay don't look at her but don't make her feel like you're avoiding her. Mizukis eyes get watery again, struggling to hold back.

"Welcome, how can I help you?"

"Uhm, french fries please."


Ena took a look at her partner. "..Large."


"Uhh, none."

"Okay, that will be 412,95 ¥." (I had to do research on average prices bc i dont use yen in my country lol)

The brunette hands over the money silently, using only one hand for everything because she refuses to let go of Mizukis. Why... Why is she so nice to me? I don't deserve this. Or anything she gives me.

"Oh, is that Mizuki?" someone spoke. God, who is it now.

"Hm?" they said, trying to not sound like about to cry.

"Ena, Mizuki!" that someone seems to be Kanade, she's sitting with Mafuyu. No.. I don't want this. I don't want to see anyone when im this low unless Ena.

"Oh, hey! What a coincidence, huh?" Ena spoke for Mizuki. She knew they werent in the mood to interact with anyone right now. "What are you guys here for?"

"I just bringed Kanade to eat something else than instant noodles or just go outside a bit." Mafuyu said.

"E-Ena.." the pink haired nudged the brunette for her to understand that Mizuki wants to go. Their french fries we're ready, so it's the perfect time too.

(Im sorry guys but we gotta focus on Mizukis feelings rn 😿 let's say mafuyu and kanade kissed after behind the scenes)

"Ah, right. We're on a rush right now, so we'll be going, have fun!" Ena waved and left with Mizuki after picking up the fries.

"... Mizuki, you're going through something really bad, but im happy that you let me see it. Thank you for not hiding."

"Oh, uhm.. No problem. Im sorry for needing to leave early-"

"You don't dare apologise!! Nothing you're doing right now is bothering me and im just glad I can help a bit!"

Mizuki blushed. "Ena... You make me feel so happy."

Maybe.. Just maybe... I could tell her.

"Good! You deserve it."

I want to tell her. I don't want to let it go this time. She has to know.



"I think I can say whats been bothering me lately, but I need to talk to you somewhere more private. Maybe like my house."

"Oh, really?" Enas eyes sparkled slightly that Mizuki is willing to tell her. "A-alright."

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There is no looking back now. She's already in the house. With me. Alone. Deep sigh.

"Okay, so uhm, please don't tell anyone about this, im not really comftorable with others knowing yet." Ena nodded as a respond.

"I... Am not what you think."

"Huh? What do you mean..."

"Im not a girl. Im a guy. I dress up like this because I don't want to be a guy. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Im sorry for hiding this from you, I have issues with trust. I didn't want to lose you."

"..... Is that all, Mizuki?"


"You idiot. You think something so stupid could make me leave you? I love you too much to let go of you just like that. Do you think all of this that I give you is fake?"

"The past isnt important Mizuki. I'll still accept you and I'll still see how you want me to see you."

"I've told you before, Ill support you no matter what." Ena was talking so much, Mizuki could barely catch up.

"... Don't do this to me. Don't make me cry again."

"Cry. Don't fucking hide anything from me, Mizuki!! I want to see the real you. The girl id fall inlove with."

Ugh. I... Can't. When she's like this. Happy tears start streaming down Mizukis cheeks. She still calls me a girl after finding out my secret.

Ena hugged the pink haired tight. "I'll keep this secret with me if I need to. But no one, no one could hate you for this. You're still a human being and you have decisions. No one is here to judge you."

"Also, what about eating the french fries I bought you? Theyre getting cold.."

Mizuki wipes their tears. "Yeah, okay. Thanks Ena~"

She made me happy without me needing to fake it. She made me let out everything ive been holding in for years.

She is still there after what I said.

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Woo let's gooo mizuena if mizuki would tell their secret!!! (I hc mizuki as trans/transfem so yeah idk how the canon in game version would be like)

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