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Ena was watching Mizuki eat, not taking any cookies and only staying in her thoughts. Mizuki and I are togheter... For how much time now? It feels like we've been togheter for olny a few days, but in reality.. It has been like two months. (Since I did a 3 week time skip once this timeline goes faster) Although, im scared this relationship will all fall down. I feel so incomplete without Mizu. What am i going to do then...?

"Enaa, are you not gonna eat?" the pink haired says while munching on a cookie.

"You can leave me the leftovers, i know you must be really hungry either way."

"You deserve more than just leftovers, y'know? I want you to eat properly!"

"...But I'm not hungry.." they're sweet that they're saying that, but cookies arent that healthy to eat a bunch anyw... Mizuki gave the brunette a really serious and deadly look.

"O-okay, I'll eat!" since when does such a silly cute little Mizuki have such a creepy stare?!

Ena took a cookie from the plate, where all the cookies were placed, and took a bite. "Hmm, these are tasty!"

"Of course they are!~" The pink haired's face became normal again, they smiled sweetly.

How I love to see them happy.

"When you make something yourself, it looks better because youve seen it from the start to finish, you're proud of what you made and the work you did to get these. Stuff that you don't get for free look way more valuable."

"... Where did you get that from?"

"Hehe, experience~" (it's about ena isnt it omfg theyre so gay wjebrdb)

They both had deep talks about almost everything, Ena didnt even notice that they've talked for about two hours. She just opened her phone to look and sort of got scared how fast time flew by.

"Wh- It has been 2 hours already?!"

"Eh?? Well I guess so?"

"My voice hurts from all of that talking, can we maybe do something else? Oh, maybe play that Nintendo game we played before??"

"Sure!!" Mizuki went to their room, the brunette going after them. The pink haired found the console after some time and the lovers hopped on the bed and turned it on.

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I ain't writing allat so uh they stopped playing at the part when Sunny and Kel got back the memory picture book to Basil,, to the people that havent played Omori i apologize for no logic here lolz, you can just imagine that they played like abouttt 1-3 hours i think

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1 nofitication

aki: come home dumbass dads gonna beat your ass if you don't

enanan !!: wtf ok

"Mizuu, i have to go home, it's getting late.." she stands up, picking up her stuff.

"Awh, already?? Wait wait!"

"Hm? Wha-" Mizuki gave a quick kiss, a warm one. GODDAMN WHAT THE FUCK??? SJDJSUHW

"U-uh, thanks..." Ena was flustered and blushing like some tomato.

"Hehehe, it's cold outside, so I thought this should help a bit for you to be warm~" the pink haired teased and leaded their girlfriend outside. "Bai baii!!"

"Bye!!!" the second Ena turned away from Mizuki, she started smiling widely. FOR SURE I'LL BE WARM FROM THIS A LONG TIME. God damit, my face is burning like hell.

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Waaah my silly babies iesjdjsjdeb they're so adorableee‼️‼️💥💥💥💥

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