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Ena wakes up, her eyes still blurry.

Blink blink.

She rubs her eyes a bit until the brunette can properly see, looking around for Mizuki and suprise suprise, they werent there. Mizukii... Where are you?

Ena got out of bed, got ready, and headed to Akitos room to wake him up, since no one but the brunette is going to do that now.

"Aki, wake u- huh.." he wasn't in his room either. Weird. What time is it? 10:47.. It's the weekend, so it's fine. I probably should go to the grocery store and get some food. Pretty sure we're low on it.

The brunette went to the kitchen, olny to find Akito sitting at the table and Mizuki making food. To be more exact - pancakes. PANCAKES??!

"My my, goodmorning Enanan!!~ Did you sleep well?" the pink haired smiled at Ena.

"Uh- morning.. I got enough sleep I guess, also why didn't you wake me up?? It's kinda embarrassing to be the last one to come here."

"I didn't want to wake you up, it's the weekend after all, isn't it?" they answered. "You were so adorable while you were asleep, hehe~"

"D-don't flirt with me when Akitos here!!"

"Thanks for hearing my prays." the ginger said, already eating his last pancake.

Mizuki giggled. "Well, you should go eat then! I dont want you missing out on my delicious pancakes!"

"Alright.." she took a seat where a stack of pancakes were placed. "But you didn't need to take such a strong parent role!"

"My mom letted me stay here if im able to help you take care of this place, so it's not a big deal!"

"Wait- really?? Your mom just letted you go so easily?"

"Apparently, yes!! I asked when you were still asleep~"

"Im... Gonna go to my room.." Akito said before leaving. He probably isnt really happy about this.

There was moments of silence until the his door shutted closed.

"YOU'RE GONNA LIVE WITH ME??!!? DJDJWIWJWU" excited Ena noises.


Both of them were excited, but the brunette shushed the other to not annoy Akito too much.

"Okay, so we will need to go to the store for food and go somewhere for fun.."

"Hehe, like a date?~"

"... Uhm, sure, but Akito will need to go too.."

"That's fine!! I'll think of something!"

"Huh- like what??"

Mizuki just smirked. "We'll find out~" so... Annoying!! Just say the answer already!

"Do you want to go to an amusement park, Ena?"

"Uh, alright!"

Ena made a little list of stuff to buy and went to her brothers room. "Akitoo lets go the amusement park!" obviously, grocery shopping wouldn't make him interested, so she said that.

"Oh, okay."

They got an uber to drive them there since the brunette doesnt have a car yet. (Surprisingly she passed the car test or something I forgot so she can legally drive) They all got ready and got in the car when the uber came.

They were all sitting in the back, Mizuki beside Ena and holding hands, Akito in the corner. (poor akito 😞)



"......Cheese... Checkk, milk.. Check! That's it." Ena checked out everything from the list and started heading to the cashier.

"Oi, you guys want ice cream??" the pink haired found the ice cream section.

"Isnt it winter? Who eats ice cream in winter??"

"Shut up akito, were getting ice cream." the brunette grabbed a few.

"Enaa you like strawberry flavour?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Pfft- I like chocolate, so if you know what I mean,,, pink and brown djdhsjeis" (mizook likes nom noming enanana and enanana aswell not fake)

"SHU- shut up.." nearly forgot this is a grocery store...



They were just walking around, until Mizuki spotted a claw machine with cute plushies.


Sigh. What a child.. "Okay, sure. Don't waste too many money though."

The pink haired absolutely MASTERED the claw machine and got a sylveon pokémon plushie in first try. "Yayy!"


"Ena, can i go to the rollercoster??" Akito nudged his sis.

"Huh- oh, sure. But im not gonna go along."

"Okay, i would prefer alone anyway... Thanks." and just like that, he left Ena and Mizuki alone.

"Hehehe~ wanna go on the ferris wheel, luv?"

"Im gonna spend so much money on this.... Okay." the brunette sighed and took her partners hand while heading to the ferris wheel.

They payed for using it and hopped on. The ferris wheel started going up. Some time later, they were on the very top.

"Urrk!! I have a feeling this is gonna fall down!" Ena was holding onto Mizuki tightly in fear.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat!!~" they giggled. "Although, i have a way to cheer you up a bit!"

"U-uhh, yeah how--" the pink haired gave a soft kiss before leaning back and looking at her.


"...." the brunette was bright red. "S.. Since we won't be alone for a while, id appreciate it if i would get more."

Mizuki didnt hesitate and wrapped their arms around Ena and let's just say, her face was all covered in lipstick after they got down.


Omg i think this is the longest chapter yet?!?!? Anyways it took about 3 days to make bc i ran out of ideas every time

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