Chapter 7. Quilla

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“No. I will not let them take her. She would have died at the hands of her kind as a cub, I will not allow this.”

Through the fog slowly clearing in my head, I hear Udyr’s angry words like a distant stage whisper.

“It is no longer your decision. It’s hers. You always knew this day would come. She belongs with her kind, you’ve seen her wolf’s restlessness, you know Udyr. You know it’s time.” Borra’s low voice attempts to reason with Udyr but his responding growl is nothing less than what I expected. Stubbornness is Udyr’s forte but I love him more for it.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I grumble pulling myself up in my bed. Udyr and Borra turn from my bedroom window to face me.

“That’s right, Kyra.” Udyr smiles at me in agreement, though he cannot hide the concern on his rugged face as he sits on the edge of my bed almost tipping me over into his lap from his weight. Uncle Borra signs heavily but we both ignore him.

“How are you feeling? You gave us quite a scare, what happened?”

“I have no idea.” I shake my head rubbing my temple, wondering about the voice in my head I definitely heard.

“Udyr, Kyra. I can’t let you two pretend this is not happening.”

Borra pulls up a chair next to my bed and leans his elbows on his knees.

His dark eyes meeting Udyr’s across my bed in a stand-off of wills.

“No one is pretending anything,” Udyr growls at his brother.

“Well then what do you plan to do about the fact that there are two wolves in our tavern who are undoubtedly Kyra’s birth parents, and quite possibly her mate out in our back yard.”

“Wait what?” I stammer. My heart hammers in my chest, and for some reason, my face begins to heat up.

There is a lot I know I don’t know about werewolf culture. I have spent most of my life deliberately ignoring a heritage I wanted no part of. What I do know is that werewolves have soul mates, they mate for life, but you have to meet them first to identify them. That’s about all I know about that.

“This is absurd Uncle Borra. How could I possibly have a mate already? We would have had to have met for either of us to have identified the other right, and I definitely have not met any other werewolves.”

Uncle Borra shrugs his shoulders and Udyr looks just as lost.

“I’m sorry Kyra, the fact is we are bears. Our knowledge of werewolves is about as extensive as yours and truly we have done you a disservice by not giving you access to more information about your kind.” Borra stares at Udyr firmly, not hiding his disapproving accusation. “The answers you need are with the wolves waiting for you downstairs,” he adds.

Udyr’s face is unreadable. He looks as lost as I feel and I have never seen him look this way before.

Behind him, a breeze ruffles my curtains gently and between the flowing fabric, I see a sliver of the moon beyond in the sky.

“Is there really someone who says he’s my mate out there?” I ask curiously.

“Yes.” Uncle Borra affirms but Udyr scoffs.

“We have not seen him but have sighted his spoor, but that does not mean he is your mate. It could be a ruse to get you to leave, there is nothing to confirm this madness those wolves are claiming.” Udyr says gruffly.

“Well, the only way to confirm it is to let Kyra speak to the wolves and for her to meet him.” Borra insists.

“She is not meeting some damn random male lurking in the woods. You’re out of your fucking mind Borra.” Udyr growls low.

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