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Somewhere behind the cloud of fog mulling my brain, I hear a weak cry and open my eyes to see Viggo in a rocking chair.

He coos at the tiny blanket-wrapped baby in his muscular arms and it takes several moments before the ache between my legs and across my abdomen brings me back.

"Viggo," I chock, and his head jolts up and he immediately rises and walks across to me,

"Love, she's so beautiful," he holds our baby close and he shows me her sweet face and shock of thick black hair. Damn, she looks like her dad.

"Hey there, sweet Rhea," I whisper and Viggo can't hold back the tears as he hears his mother's name.

"Thank you, love," he chokes and I try to raise my arms to take her and wince at the soreness in my belly.

"Don't try and move just yet," he says with a frown just as Aunt Astrid comes into the room.

"Why, what's wrong with me?" I know I've had a difficult pregnancy, more than once we thought we lost Rhea, but as we got to the end everything felt fine. The labor though was prolonged and at the end I was barely conscious, having only enough strength to push Rhea into the world before I blacked out.

Astrid comes to stand beside my bed and exchanges a look with Viggo who nods at her.

"You did so well Quilla, you had a tough pregnancy and truly hard labor but you pulled through for Rhea and she is perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, there were some serious complications post-delivery. Likely because of the previous trauma from the silver bullet. Your uterus ruptured, and we had to perform an emergency hysterectomy."

I can't stop the tears rolling down my face as Astrid continues to speak. I don't hear her words. I barely acknowledge her leaving.

All I see are Viggo and Rhea.

He sits on the edge of the bed, stroking our daughter's soft cheeks with his thumb.

"You are going to be fine, my love. You have given me everything in the world that is important. Your love and our pup. I could not be happier."

Wincing at the pain a simple thing as moving my arms causes, I reach for my baby and Viggo places her in my arms.

I nuzzle my nose into her soft cheek, drawing her newborn scent.

"She's beautiful, Viggo," I choke, and he kisses my forehead.

Just then Rhea opens her eyes and I gasp at the two different colors blinking back at me, one gold and one green.

"Oh wow," I gasp and Viggo shakes his head,

"Gods, she is so beautiful, Quilla." he chokes, and then our daughter screws up her face and lets out a beautiful roaring cry.

"And she's hungry," I chuckle,

Viggo helps raise us in the bed and I wince as the pain in my abdomen reminds me sadly that this will be the first and last time I do this.

He undoes the buttons on my dress and watches as I raise Rhea to my breast. She latches on and suckles with all the strength of a hungry pup.

I lean back with a sigh as Viggo slips his arm around my neck, resting Rhea and my arms on his, giving us his strength.

Despite everything, I know I am where I am supposed to be and so thankful for every painful step in my story that brought me to Viggo.

Later, not today, I will think about the journey Rhea is now on. I can't help the niggling fear I have, but I push it aside.

Right now, I have the world in my arms and Viggo's love.

That is enough.




Wow! I can't believe we made it at last! Thank you so much for being with me through this journey. I honestly have so much love for my readers, it's been YOU that has kept me motivated to keep this story going, even when at times its been hard, so, THANK YOU!

Annnddddd Yes, there is a book 6 coming, Rhea's story BROKEN and the last of the series. Save it so you get the notification when I start updating.


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