Chapter 20. Power

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The small moon temple in the back yard is quaint and surrounded by a pretty flowering garden.

I follow Neo up the path and past milling wolves who bow their heads as we approach.

Multitude of eyes stare at me making sweat break out under my dress in just about every awkward place possible.

“Just follow me.” Neo whispers, reaching to give my hand an encouraging squeeze as she leads us up the path toward the white pillared temple.

She nods gracefully to the standing wolves who beam their happiness at me.

I have no idea what in the hell I’ve done to earn this level of inspection and admiration.

The whole place looks and feels like something out of a fairy tale book but I barely see it all.

My vision zooms in on Viggo, standing ahead, with a small group of wolves around him.

I almost trip as he looks over the heads of the wolves and his gaze fixes fully on me dragging down my body in a lazy, hungry inspection that rattles me to my core.

He frowns for a moment at my neck where his mark is well hidden by the dress's high neckline, but then resumes his inspection not even listening to whoever is speaking to him.

He stares at me like he can see through the damn form-fitting dress. His golden eyes rake my figure unashamedly and I hate to admit its not nervous sweat dampening between my thighs.

Fuck my life my body is out of fucking control.

Kyra revels. I don’t know what the heck is going on with her. Viggo’s approval, his desire, burns within the bond inside me and there is nothing I can do about the fact that he is so fucking irritatingly handsome and sexy my eyes devour him in return.

How could I not?

I may abhor the lycan, but there is no denying the raw power oozing from him. He overshadows every male that surrounds him. Taller, bigger, imposing and beautiful, power reeking from him magnetizing everyone nearby.

Everything about Viggo, the way he moves and speaks commands attention and obedience. A combination that is wrecking havoc on my panties and I am not the only female affected.

Midst the wolves holding court before him a single she wolf, with a full figure and a mane of raven hair, stares and pouts prettily at Viggo.

The bitch from the hallway.

Her eyes and scent are filled with unguarded lust and I am not the only one who notices.

Kyra, already angry at the encounter earlier and what it did to me, surges forward with a low warning growl rumbling through my head. I feel her anger, her outrage, and her jealousy as the buxom she wolf reaches forward to touch Viggo’s arm and draws his attention back to the group. She flicks her green eyes at me for the briefest of seconds.

I’ve never felt Kyra like this before, I’ve never been scared of her taking over me, or doing something I don’t agree with. But right now I am scared. Mostly because I agree with her. How dare this bitch look at him and touch him like he’s on the damn menu. It’s a fucking matter of principle.

I barely notice the taste of blood in my mouth as my canines descend, the growl that started in my head escapes from my throat cutting short whatever Viggo was saying and drawing the attention of the stupid female.

“Quilla?” Neo says as she catches the low rumble in my throat. Her hand squeezes mine but it’s too late.

I yank my hand out of hers and step toward the she wolf holding her gaze. The lust in her eyes fast turns to fear as Kyra leaps into mine enraged and I flash her a toothy grin. I feel a power unlike anything I’ve felt before surge in my blood.

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