Chapter 29. Mine

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I stare at my palm as Viggo rises and walks across the room, trying to work out what the fuck just got into me.

Kyra swoons with triumphant pleasure. This is all her doing.

You grabbed his cock? What the hell Kyra!

Viggo, mine. She replies with an unreserved, prideful huff and struts off to the recesses of my mind.

Fuck my life and the horny bitch living inside me.

Every nerve in my body is alight. My lips from Viggo's burning kiss, my body from his possessive touch, my heart from the raw truth he has let me see.

I know I am at serious risk of falling for Viggo. Despite what he did, marking me the way he did, there is very little else about this bond between us that I find distasteful. Exciting, terrifying, mind-blowing, yes. Distasteful? Hell no.

I hold in a small smirk. I have to admit. I kind of enjoy making the beast suffer.

Viggo walks to a wall and my jaw drops as he presses a button and a panel separates opening up a row of high-tech security screens.

I admit my mind goes a little haywire as I watch him hunch his massive body over a keyboard and begin to type furiously.

Forcing my ass off the sofa I grab another drink in the kitchen, to quench my ridiculously dry throat.

Viggo's broad shoulders block the view of the screen in front of him and the childishness in me wants to climb them so bad.

I gulp my soda to cool my heated thoughts as he turns to call me over with a nod of his head, pointing at a palm scanner on the console.

"Come here, I need to get your biometrics into the system."

I bite my lip as I walk over to him.

"So you're a lycan, a king, and a geek," I say holding my hand out.

He turns to me, surprise in his eyes, his cheeks flushing red.

"I'm not a geek. I paid a shit load of money to install this system so I had to learn how to use it. I'm practical."

He takes my hand pressing it down on the pad.

Tingles surge up my arm and I can't stop my eyes from devouring his beautiful face, his angular cheekbones, and his jaw before settling on his full lips. Lips that are still swollen from our kiss.

His absolute focus on getting my palm scanned allows me full license to explore his chiseled handsomeness to my heart's content.

And my heart is feeling pretty fucking content right now, despite the fact I am still completely dumbfounded that a beast as sexy and gorgeous as Viggo is, well, mine.

The mark on my neck begins to throb, my eyes hone in on the veins pulsing down his and I feel my gums swell and tingle.

Mine. Kyra whispers in a low growl as a sudden urge to sink my teeth into Viggo's skin and taste his flesh and blood rises.

I feel like those few minutes we spent kissing on the couch have burst open Pandora's box and I'm not even sure I want it closed again.

"Quilla?" Viggo questions as my free hand rises and strokes the pulse down this nape.

His grasp tightens on my wrist over the scanner.

"Why does Sebastian have a mate mark? I have not seen another male with one." I ask the question that has been burning in my mind for days.

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