Chapter 28. Tariq

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“I used to have three Beta couples as most Lycan Kings do. The Beta Primeros serves as the King’s personal beta, the Beta Secundos handles all of Lycanos’s financial and business affairs, and the Beta Tritos takes care of the outer packs’ welfare, representing the King at the Prime 10 Council. Tariq has killed all of mine and their mates. Costas is my only ranked lycan left.”

Quilla’s stunning hazel-green eyes widen with shock. I give her no time to absorb, she needs to understand clearly what is at stake. Tariq is no joke.

“Two years ago my Beta Tritos, Georgio, and his mate Clarissa were killed in an ambush returning from a Council visit. We never found their heads, but we did find a lengthy manifesto from Tariq who swore the end of Lycanos and vengeance for Celine.”

Quilla’s fear intensifies and she sits as far back from me as the couch will allow. She tucks her wild thick hair behind her ear. The diamonds on my Rolex glimmer in the artificial light catching my eyes.

I could almost laugh. Her audaciousness is refreshing in a way I cannot even understand.

Shaking myself mentally I continue, leaning forward and resisting the desire to stroke her knee again and soothe her fear leeching from her skin.

“Three months later, Tariq killed my Beta Secundos couple, Kronos and Helena. They had taken on the role of caring for the outer packs and were similarly ambushed. Helena’s body was found weeks later on the edge of our border. It was obvious she had been kept captive by a rogue pack and abused brutally.”

Terror surges in Quilla’s scent and she curls her legs into her chest wrapping her arms tight around herself. I hate seeing her like this but it is a story she needs to hear in full.

“My Beta Primeros, Theo, went missing a year ago. His mate Penelope was here at Lycanos. Theo refused to let her accompany him after what happened to Helena. Penelope went looking for him before I could order her not to. I sent my best trackers after her but they lost her scent. Theo’s body was left on our border and Penelope has not been found. I pray she is dead, the alternative is unthinkable.”

Ice cold fills the room, and the silence weighs heavily in the void between us.

“Tariq is insane,” Quilla finally whispers.

“Mate death madness,” I respond flatly. “It has taken many wolves before and is a sickness worse than death.”

My heart feels dead as I see disgust fill her eyes as she glares at me. What brief moments of amusement she may have had at my expense earlier are gone as the full extent of the mess I have made unravels before her eyes.

What hope I ever had for something positive to grow between Quilla and me fades as she leans forward with a snarl.

“What kind of fucked up mess have you dragged me into Viggo?”

Before I can respond a low growl escapes her throat, and her eyes flicker gold as Kyra surges forward. “The same mess your father did apparently.” I sit back hard as if she struck me.

“Oh yeah, I know your dad pretty much did the same thing, took Cain’s mate as his Luna, and that resulted in me being taken and having my life royally fucked up.”

“Quilla-” I try to interject but she holds her palm up cutting me off.

“So tell me straight Viggo. Am I next on Tariq’s hit list? Was that photo a warning?”

I clench my fists and nod.

“Yes. This would be his ultimate revenge. I killed his mate. He wants to kill mine.” I reply bluntly.“He has sent his warning, but it will go no further than that. He has never made it into Lycanos before. We will find who he used and they will die after they tell us everything we need to know. Tariq will not get to you, I promise. ”

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora