Chapter 39. She-wolves

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"You're going to hate this," Costas says as he enters my office after a quick rap.

He raises an eyebrow, noting the uncharacteristic, simping-ass smile I have on my face, which I haven't been able to wipe off my face since brunch.

I clear my throat, school my face and click something random on my computer. "What am I going to hate?"

"The Luna has visitors. Her family is here." Costas says and I sit up straight frowning over the top of my screen.

"The bears? What do they want? More importantly how the fuck did they find us?"

Costas shakes his head. "Sorry Alpha, not that family, her wolf family."

I tilt my head blinking at my Gamma. "Her parents are already here, what other family are you talking about?"

Costas rubs the back of his neck in a manner that immediately puts me on edge. "All of them Alpha. Luna Quilla's six Aunts, her twenty-four cousins, and their twenty-two daughters. According to the guards, they arrived about fifteen minutes ago in a convoy. Um, fifty-two she-wolves in total. They are at the main gate seeking permission to enter."

My mind freezes for a second comprehending what has just arrived at my doorstep. "I'm assuming their mates came too?"

"Of course," he nods, "and their guards. All up, one hundred and eighteen wolves from fifteen packs, seven of which are Prime 10."

Costas hands me a sheet of paper with a long list of names. I drop my head taking a deep breath. He's right. I hate it.

"This is why I need Betas. The protocol on this is a fucking nightmare, and we are supposed to be on lockdown because of fucking Tarik." I grumble.

My beautiful day has just gone to shit.

There are well over a hundred packs in my lands and it's a task on a good day remembering who the fuck runs what. That is the job of a Beta Tritos, which I don't fucking have.

Most packs have a natural succession rotation every twenty years or so, once the Alpha heir has completed their transition to take over. It's been a task for the last four years since Georgio died keeping abreast.

There has been no representation of Lycanos at a Prime 10 Council in that time and, in all honesty, I barely glance at the reports the Council sends me every month.

I rummage through a folder in my drawer searching for what I need while I shoot off instructions to Costas.

"Let them in. Get Sofia on rooming immediately and let the kitchen know about dinner. Send the hunters out, I want everything fresh on the table tonight, use the banquet hall." I pause finding the folder I was looking for then look back at Costas.

"Quilla is on a run with Neo and Sebastian. Link the guards who are with them and route them back. I don't think Neo knows about this, so tell her and get her back here immediately. I'll be fucked if I'm dealing with this many Crystal Moon she-wolves on my own."

A thought crosses my mind and makes me frown. "Is Alpha Dante here?"

Costas scoffs. "He would never let Eva go anywhere without him. Don't worry, I'll make sure Sophia rooms Black Valley as far away as possible from Crystal Moon."

"Fuck yeah. Neo and Dante fucking destroyed the games room last time. Do not let them do anything competitive while they are here." I grumble wiping my hands over my face as I feel a cold sweat break out on my forehead.

I've dealt with many difficult things in my life, but fifty-two Crystal Moon she-wolves are another thing altogether.

"The sooner you choose new Betas the better," Costas says knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

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