Chapter 25. Picture

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The downside of east-facing wall windows is the early morning wake-up call of dawn breaking, and beaming rays of sunlight directly onto my face.

I groan in annoyance slipping under the duvet, but the damage is done. I'm awake.

Viggo is obviously a morning person. I am so not.

Flinging back the covers, grumbling with a glare at the picturesque view, I drag my still sleepy ass into the en suite which I may have swooned over if I wasn't a grumpy morning bitch.

It takes me about several hellish minutes to work the wall jets in Viggo's gleaming black marble shower, screaming multiple times as I'm blasted from different angles until I get the settings right and enjoy the indulgence.

Heck, I had my neck almost bit off, I'm damn well going to enjoy the fruitage and I love this bathroom.

Dark tiles and glass walls enclose a large spacious shower with two shower heads from the ceiling. My mind swirls down the gutter with the shower water. It's a shower designed for two to shower together and all of a sudden I feel lonely in it.

Mentally slapping myself I take advantage of Viggo's scentless shower gel which feels like silk on my skin and let the warm water prune my temper and dirty thoughts away.

When I finally make it out of the shower, feeling decidedly better, I head for the walk-in-wardrobe.

My jaw drops. Viggo is a total clothes whore. One hundred percent, this male has a problem and an obsession with watches.

My eyes skim over the gleaming collection that probably cost more than this whole damn castle. I don't even recognize most of the brands, many look antique and some are disgustingly gaudy. One, in particular, a gold, diamond-encrusted Rolex, makes me smile wickedly.

I find my meager wardrobe in a largely empty section of the closet and laugh to myself at how stupid my jeans and t-shirts look hanging opposite Viggo's Armani suits.

I slip on my department store high-waisted jeans and infamous green day t-shirt, then brush up my hair into a long ponytail before I head back to the watches.

"Well Viggo, you let me in your room, that's all the permission I need." I chuckle to myself as I slide open the glass case marveling at how trusting Viggo is to leave his valuables unlocked.

I slip on the gaudy Rolex around my wrist, and of course, it's too big. It dangles dangerously around my wrist, a ridiculously expensive contrast to everything else I wear, but I think that makes it even better.

A delicious aroma of coffee and muffins comes from the kitchen calling my soul.

As I'm about to exit the bedroom I notice something I did not see the night before.

On the bedside table is a small gold picture frame. I walk toward it and my chest constricts.

It is a picture of Viggo and a beautiful young female. She stares up at him with adoring gray eyes, and sultry, pouting red lips. It is a candid moment and Viggo looks - happy.

Kyra growls low, jealousy not sitting well with either of us.

He could have at least ditched his girlfriend's photos before I arrived.

I grab the photo frame, unsure what I'm going to do with it, but unable to let go of the anger and jealousy twisting in my gut as I head out of the room.

The kitchen is filled with the delicious aroma of coffee but it's not Viggo I find, rather an aged she-wolf plating fresh hot muffins. She smiles at me with happy wrinkled brown eyes and a mass of gray hair tied up in a messy bun.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENWhere stories live. Discover now