Chapter 23. Suite

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I sit and watch as the old omega, Hector, takes away our plates after we eat, my stomach full and my mood slightly improved, but I attribute that to the amazing wine and food.

"Thank you Hector, that was delicious, truly, will you thank whoever made the food please."

Hector beams a smile.

“I certainly will Luna. Werewolf pallets are heightened, like all our other senses. A good chef knows how to use spice and flavor to tantalize those senses and not overwhelm them, and Lycanos has the best chef.” his pride swells when Viggo chimes in.

"Hectors son Alex is our head chef, and I agree, he's the best Lycanos has ever had."

“Where are my parents?” I ask Viggo as we leave the intimate table setting and settle back on the couch.

“They are resting in their suite. Between marking you, breaking Sebastian’s truck door, and the foyer fiasco I am not their favorite person right now. You can see them in the morning, I’ve permitted them to stay as long as they need here so you can spend more time with them.”

“You know that was a dick move breaking his door. Sebastian told me he’s had that truck from before I was born.”

Viggo shrugs, “I’ll buy him a new one, as compensation.”

“That’s stupid, you can’t buy his forgiveness.” I don’t know how I know, but I just know my father is not the kind of wolf to be bought so easily. Viggo’s frown and nod confirm my thoughts.

“I’m aware. But it is the lycan way. We compensate for the damage we do when we are in the wrong.”

“Oh yeah, so what kind of compensation do I get for being assaulted?” I point at my neck.

“I did not assault you mate. I marked you.”

“Nope. You didn’t have my consent, it was assault.” I fold my arms across my chest and glare at the male sitting next to me. My ire increases again as each second pass while he purses his lips thoughtfully.

Finally, after a few seconds of silence, he nods.

“I acknowledge that you were not ready, but certainly Kyra was and has no issue with my marking you. That you cannot deny mate.”

I squint at Viggo.

“Just like you can’t deny that you should not have marked me until you had my acceptance. I’ve been fully informed by Sebastian and Neo how all this mate bond stuff works.”

Viggo draws himself up off the couch and Hector walks across to refill his goblet. Hector casts a side glance at Viggo and I sense his surprise as he unavoidably listens in.

Viggo sips his wine and then turns to face me unperturbed by the audience we have.

“If they have fully informed you about the mate bond then you should know you and I are bound together for the rest of our lives.” He stares at me in earnest. “If it takes that long, I will earn your forgiveness and acceptance.”

My mind spins and I dive into another glass of wine, only for something else to do other than imagine a lifetime with this handsome, powerful beast of a male.

I honestly feel like I’m living someone else’s life. Looking around the opulent room, I feel like a fish out of water.

I wish Neo was here. There is so much I need to talk to her about. We’ve already spent the drive to this pack talking about Crystal Moon and our massive family, but I know there is more she wants to tell me, and I still have a million questions about this whole mate-bond situation I need answering.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENWhere stories live. Discover now