Chapter : 01 {Engaged}

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Y/n's POV :

"Lady Y/n" Spoke the maid as I looked at her with my eyes sparkling

"They arrived" She continued

"Do I have to go greet them?" I asked as the maid nodded

I stood up from my sofa and began walking towards the waiting room

I arrived in front of the huge door and knocked politely

"Enter Y/n" Dad instructed from inside and I did as I was told, I entered the room putting my head down, looking at the ground

"So this is the lovely bride to be! you may raise your head!!" Exclaimed a jolly voice and I looked up

It was a knight with red hair, he was very handsome... His one arm was missing and he had scars in his left eye

I bowed before him again and he just watched me bow

"I am y/n l/n from the l/n family, nice to Meet you"

"Nice to meet you too! I am the head of the knights, Shanks" He grinned, he has such a positive energy around him, it made me want to start grinning too

"Y/n he came to take you to your new country 'Grand line'" Said father very proudly, well all of this was like a goldmine for him

I didn't reply

"Let's cut to the chase, you will be leaving today, the king wants the engagement as quick as possible" Said father

"Of course father" I replied and They told me to leave the room

Shanks san seemed nice, I hope my fiance is gonna be nice too

I went back to my room to find the maids already packing me some necessarties, it's a traditional thing for the country i am going into that the bride will be given new clothes and shoes and to leave the old ones back at her home

"How was the meeting?" Asked mom

"It was fine"

"Did you like the knight?"

"He is friendly"

"By the way, the prince also has a reputation of being a fun person and having a free spirit!"  Said mom

"Free spirit?" I asked confused

"Ah Not in the bad way! He is said to be kind and friendly, he also has two brothers--" Mom continued

"Yeah I heard about prince Sabo, he is a master in history right?" I asked and mom seemed delighted that I am taking so much interest in them

"Yepp!" She laughed

I hope Me and Ace can get along

I thought to myself

"Ace is 17 this year! I hope he won't think of you as a mere child!" She said worried which made me worry a bit too... Will he?

Suddenly mom's eyes filled with tears

"My y/n...don't disappoint your father,we are not the kings or queen, you also know how your father was having a hard time managing our positions.... You being married to a prince of such a powerful country, will definitely secure our position close to the kings in this country" Mother explained and I just kept quite

I know this is a political marriage, i knew from the beginning
But i still have that little hope that it ends well..... Normally political marriages always goes down the hill

They soon called us and we went out to the hall

It was going to be dark soon...

we hugged each other goodbye in front of the mansion

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