Chapter : 9 {Letter}

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Y/n's POV :

Sitting on my chair, I was writing a letter to my parents, father to be specific

The whole country is upside down right now

Fortunately, Whitebeard is more than capable to take care of the King's throne

However He choosed not to take over and said to wait for Ace for a year and when he is 18,he will officially take the throne

Luffy already began his training as a soldier this year

On the other hand Sabo is helping Whitebeard with the meetings and all

After writing and sending the letter I went to meet Koala at the palace hospital, she was slabbed a little but it was nothing deadly, she just went unconscious for the blood loss and shock back then

"You should meet with the Prince more now... He must be feeling lonely" Was Koala's advice

Meet Ace.... I am afraid.....

I started walking out of the room when Koala stopped me

"Uhm princess" She called


".... Is the Second Prince alright?" She asked as she hide her face with a blanket

"Ah Sabo? Yeah he is,except some minor injuries, he is back to work too" I answered with a warm smile

"Ok- okay I am glad then" She mumbled hiding her blush


She got a crush after he saved her huh

I got out of the room

As i walked though the halls to go meet Ace

..... I thought to myself

What if he sends me back home? What if he curses me as uncle isn't here anymore to say anything to him?

Right now he is in the highest position in the whole palace--

"YOU IDIOT! YOU CAN'T EVEN SIGN SOME PAPERS CORRECTTT!!" Whitebeard screamed as he beat Ace up

.... Or maybe not

I knocked the door

"Can I come in?" I asked

"Ah Y/n chan, come inside" Said Whitebeard

"I have been waiting to talk to you after everything calms down" Said Whitebeard

"Yes?" I asked as I took the seat he pointed me to sit at

"Soo the thing is... You know the rule? When the Prince is appointed as King, he has to have a queen for sure?"

I nodded yes and Ace was just sitting there looking annoyed

I am glad he isn't depressed tho

"Soo the problem here is Ace have to be crowned as the King next year urgently... On the other hand you will just be 15 next year... " He mumbled

I sighed... I am a kid

"No no! Dont feel bad, I have an idea, we can just change the rule a bit and make it fiance instead of a wife right?" Said Whitebeard to make me happy

"That would be nice" I smiled

"Yeah and you guys can get married in 4 years when you are 18!" He suggested

I blushed and looked at Ace

"What? I don't have a say in what the old man says" He said looking away

"I accept" I said and Whitebeard cheered

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