Chapter : 8 {Goodbye Roger}

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Y/n's POV :

"ACE! " Shouted Roger

Ace, with tears in his eyes, turned to his dad

"Yes dad?" He said

Roger was taken back, dad huh

"Son, It seems like I have to go" Said Roger

"NO! NOOO!!! NO!! DAD!!" Shouted Ace as He tried to run to his dad but Sabo stopped him for the danger there

"Ace now, listen carefully" Said Roger

"My last words" He added

"NO-- DAD-- I LOVE YOU!! DAD!!!!" He kept shouting as Sabo held him to his place

"I-- the throne is everything I ever acquired.... The throne is everything I have after you and your mother.... Ace I Love you son.....
.... Be a great King... Take care of your people.... Of your brothers.... Of your new wife....she is a great person......tak- take care...Of your family..... Make the name of us D's proud, REMEMBER ACE, THOSE COWARDS HAD TO COME ATTACK US SNEAKILY!! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! THAT'S THE POWER WE HOLD ON THEM!! THAT'S THE AMOUNT OF FEAR THEY HAVE FOR US!! *cough* *cough* I- I am going son-- Whitebeard-- everyone-- it's my time to leave--" As he said that with a smirk, a Bullet pierced though his head... He is dead.... Uncle.... He is dead...

"DAD!!!" Screamed Ace

He was still standing... A man with great pride.... A legend..... His end came... Just like any other normal human being...

Ace was crying like a baby, even Sabo and Luffy, everyone... Even Whitebeard himself.... It's all too much

I- I feel dizzy--

Shanks was standing in front of me,his back turned towards me, I tried to hold onto him but fell before that....

"Y/N!!" I heard a shout but my eyes closed automatically..... I am weak... I don't belong here.. I-..

My eyes closed shut







I heard noise, I don't wanna wake up, I wanna sleep some more--

My eyes opened

"Makino san... " I said


I began running though the corridors, the funeral is going on RIGHT NOW?!

I have been asleep for 2 days??! The doctor said I went into a state of shock and lost consciousness

The war ended after the enemies decided that its enough as Roger is already dead??

So many information to process, I ran to the main hall.. Still in my normal
Clothes they put me in.....

I came in front of the stairs, looking down at them...

The room went very quite for a minute....

There was Ace.... He was just looking down to the coffin where Uncle was laying... Whitebeard wasn't there, luffy and Sabo on the side, as Luffy cried

.... "Ace" I muttered as I stood by his side

Whispers started as soon as I was in the room

"There is the Crown Princess"

"That's who Roger choosed?"

"She looks nothing special"

"I heard Roger knew her from back--"

"Yea yea I hope she can calm the Prince down"

"She isn't even crying, didn't her father in law died?"

Hearing so many things from so many people at a funeral... Now I get when people say the Royal family is more complicated than anything... We are at a funeral and the dukes and earls here are still judging our every action
... It's like there is nothing which will stop them

I held Ace's hand.. People need the most support when someone close to them are gone... Everyone may think it won't have a big effect considering Ace's behavior, but I knew it may make Ace feel a tiny bit better...

He didn't hold my hand back, but he didn't pushed me away either, well that's enough

I just wanted him to know I am there for him

The funeral ended soon after, they made the biggest grave for Uncle, Ace sat in it the longest, it was already cold season so the winds were blowing hard at the evening

"Ace, come inside" I said as I hold onto my shawl, Makino was waiting behind me, the grave was in the castle property, a hill which was behind the castle.. It was besides Ace's mother's grave too

Ace didn't replied and just sat there alone....

"Crown Princess you should come inside first, you are already sick" Said Makino and I gave in

I started walking back to the castle

.... I feel Guilty, I am the next queen of this country, and I was asleep for 2 days while the king suffered--


.... Uncle was the one who forced Ace to keep me here and marry me.....

What if Ace gets rid of me now?

While I imagined the high possibility of the situation.... I tried to shake this off from my mind..

Don't be ridiculous Y/n! Even if they do get rid of me... His dad died just 2 days ago..... I am so selfish... Worrying about my position rather than his mental state right now...

Soon we went back into the castle

"Luffy" I met him in front of the halls

"Y/n" He replied and just stared at me

I dropped my shawl And hugged him

"I am sorry I couldn't be there for you guys" I said with a deep sense of regret

Luffy just nodded

"It's not your fault"

I went back to my room and slept for a long time, am I depressed? I mean my father in law died, I didn't knew him for long tho.....he was such a sweet person.......

I remembered the last talk we had, it was fun... I am kinda glad he decided to tell me all those before he passed away... Or else it would had been a mystery forever...

"Can I come In?" Asked Sabo

I looked at him and then turned to the window... Ah almost night

"Sure" I said sitting up

"How is your health now?" Asked Sabo

"I am totally recovered, except some headaches at times" I replied in a sad tone, his voice was also low, he seems sad

"I am sorry I couldn't come to meet you all this days" He said avoiding eye contact, hus face had some bandages, hus left arm was broken too

"That's not even a problem.... You guys went through a great loss..... I am the one who should be sorry... Ace must be suffering so much.."

"Leave him be, he was always like that, let him mourn on his own for a bit... He will recover soon" Said Sabo

"But isn't that cruel?" I asked him and he looked straight at me

"Isn't it cruel Sabo? Ace is an orphan now....he... He is the one who is suffering the most here" I continued

"........ You take care of yourself Y/n" Saying that Sabo got up and started walking away

He seems cold

"Ah btw, the girl you told me to save is at the hospital right now......the orange haired maid" Said Sabo without turning towards me

..... Koala..... Thinking about the King's death..... No one is actually talking about all the soldiers who died and all the innocent people whose lives were taken away from them...

*Chapter Ends!! Byee :3!!*

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